Ace Therapeutics
Custom Gastrointestinal Disease Models
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Custom Gastrointestinal Disease Models


Ace Therapeutics focuses on developing gastrointestinal (GI) disease models. Through our expertise in primary human organoid culture and genome engineering techniques, we have created sophisticated models that mimic the complex cellular interactions found in GI diseases. Our customized disease models for conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal cancers, and motility disorders offer researchers validated platforms to gain new mechanistic insights.

What Gastrointestinal Diseases Can We Model?

What Types of Gastrointestinal Disease Models Can We Customize?

  • In Vitro Models of Gastrointestinal Diseases

As experts in GI model development, we specialize in constructing in vitro models that are instrumental in studying disease mechanisms and advancing drug development.

  • We establish primary epithelial organoid biobanks from intestinal, gastric, hepatic, and esophageal tissues to create models that replicate organ-specific conditions.
  • In our research, we utilize immune cell co-cultures comprising macrophages, dendritic cells, lymphocytes, and other cell types to investigate mucosal inflammation.
  • Our microbiome models involve the use of commensal bacteria alone or in combination with human cell types, effectively recreating niche microenvironments.
  • To study intestinal barrier function, we develop co-cultures of epithelial cells and fibroblasts, enabling investigations into permeability and barrier integrity.
  • When studying motility disorders, we employ enteric nervous system models that involve the reconstitution of neurons and muscle cells.
  • Elucidating the pathogenic mechanisms of fibrosis is possible through our fibrosis models, which incorporate myofibroblasts alongside other cell types.
  • For precision oncology applications, we provide a range of cancer cell line panels and innovative 3D tumor models.
  • In Vivo Models of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Our laboratory excels at establishing physiologically relevant in vivo platforms. We have extensive experience in the construction of:

  • Genetically engineered murine models incorporate gene knock-outs, knock-ins and conditional mutations to mimic specific human conditions.
  • Chemically and microbiologically induced models in rodents for investigating IBD and other GI diseases.
  • Non-human primate and canine models of gastrointestinal infection employ native pathogen strains.
  • Large animal models of conditions such as eosinophilic gastroenteritis in pigs and sheep.
  • PDX models that retain heterogeneity within tumors by directly engrafting cancer cells in mice.

What Can We Do for Preclinical Gastrointestinal Disease Research?

Disease Mechanism Study Target Identification & Validation Drug Discovery & Development Biomarker Identification
  • Investigate the underlying biological causes of GI diseases.
  • Unravel complex pathways and molecular interactions.
  • Understand the initiation and progression of GI diseases.
  • Identify specific therapeutic targets.
  • Confirm targets using personalized disease platforms.
  • Pinpoint targets for intervention and targeted therapies.
  • Screen and evaluate potential drug candidates.
  • Assess therapeutic efficacy within models.
  • Determine optimal drug dosages for translation.
  • Advance the development of novel GI disease treatments.
  • Discover molecular markers and signatures.
  • Reveal measurable indicators for diagnosis and prognosis.
  • Utilize customized models to find biomarkers associated with GI diseases.

Advantages of Our Gastrointestinal Disease Models & Customization Services

  • Diverse model animal options (guinea pigs, piglets, ferrets, rats, mice, etc.) for researchers to select the most suitable species.
  • Mature modeling technologies ensure accurate and reliable disease models.
  • Experienced GI disease experts with deep expertise in multiple areas of research.
  • Seamless, integrated process supports advancement from basic mechanism studies to preclinical drug development.

Do you require a customized model to reflect the unique characteristics of your research focus? Contact Ace Therapeutics to discuss your specific objectives.

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Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.