Ace Therapeutics
Custom Gastritis Models
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Custom Gastritis Models


Ace Therapeutics has been partnering with customers in industry and academia to advance the understanding of conditions like gastric cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), liver disease and more. Through our expertise in disease pathology and model engineering, we are able to create gastritis models calibrated to our customers' specific research needs. By accounting for factors such as genetic background, microenvironment and triggering agents, our customized gastritis models provide a more realistic platform for developing and testing new gastroprotective drugs and interventions.

What Is Gastritis?

Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining, often caused by infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or stress. Symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and bloating. Gastritis can be acute or chronic, and treatment typically involves lifestyle changes, medications, and addressing the underlying cause.

Figure 1. Changes in gastric mucosa and inflammatory indicators in mice with chronic atrophic gastritis during disease developmentFigure 1. Changes in gastric mucosa and inflammatory indicators in mice with chronic atrophic gastritis during disease development (Wei X., et al., 2024)

Our Gastritis Model Customization Services

  • Animal Species Selection

We offer a wide variety of animal species, including rodents like rats and mice, as well as larger mammals such as pigs. This selection is based on the specific research objectives, desired physiological similarities to humans, and the scale of the study.

  • Types of Gastritis Models We Can Develop

Chronic Atrophic Gastritis Models

Ace Therapeutics specializes in creating experimental models of chronic atrophic gastritis. This model accurately recapitulates the long-term inflammation and mucosal damage observed in chronic gastritis. By inducing sustained inflammation and mucosal changes, our model provides researchers with a platform to study the progression of chronic gastritis, including its effects on gastric function and histopathological changes. We can also help customers develop drug candidates for the treatment of gastritis.

Acute Gastritis Models

Our services also encompass the development of animal models of acute gastritis. These models are designed to mimic rapid-onset inflammation and gastric mucosal injury, replicating the acute phase of gastritis seen in response to various triggers such as NSAIDs, alcohol, or bacterial infections. Our acute gastritis models allow researchers to study the immediate inflammatory response, mucosal damage mechanisms, and short-term treatment effects.

Autoimmune Gastritis Models

For researchers focusing on the autoimmune aspects of gastritis, Ace Therapeutics offers customized autoimmune gastritis animal models. These models accurately mimic autoimmune gastritis, including immune cell infiltration into the gastric mucosa and autoantibody production targeting gastric tissues. Our autoimmune gastritis models provide a valuable tool for investigating immune-mediated mechanisms, studying disease progression, evaluating potential immunomodulatory therapies, and exploring biomarkers associated with autoimmune gastritis.

Our Capabilities for Gastritis Model Customization

  • Etiology Simulation

Depending on the type of model chosen by the customer, we induce gastritis using chemical agents, bacterial infections, dietary manipulations, or genetic modifications, ensuring relevance to specific research questions.

  • Evaluation Parameters

We provide comprehensive evaluation parameters, including endoscopic assessment, histological analysis, inflammatory marker quantification, gastric acid secretion measurements, and functional studies to assess the motility and barrier function of the gastric mucosa.

  • Inflammatory Response Modeling

We can develop models that recapitulate the complex inflammatory responses seen in gastritis, including inflammatory cell recruitment, cytokine production, and tissue damage mediated by inflammatory mediators.

  • Immune Cell Infiltration

For models involving autoimmune gastritis or immune-mediated mechanisms, we can simulate immune cell infiltration into the gastric mucosa, including lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils.

  • Genetic Modifications

Our capabilities extend to genetic modifications, where we can create genetically engineered animal models with targeted mutations or alterations related to pathways in the gastritis process, which can assist in mechanistic studies and identification of therapeutic targets.

  • Pharmacological Interventions

We offer the integration of pharmacological interventions into our gastritis models, allowing researchers to evaluate the efficacy and safety of potential therapeutic agents targeting gastritis symptoms and underlying mechanisms.

Ace Therapeutics offers a comprehensive suite of gastritis model customization services tailored to meet the diverse research needs of our customers. Researchers seeking advanced tools for studying gastritis pathogenesis, inflammation mechanisms, drug responses, and evaluation of in vitro diagnostic technologies are encouraged to inquire about our customizable services. Contact us today to explore how our expertise in gastritis modeling can support and enhance your research endeavors in gastroenterology.


  1. Wei X., et al. Improved method for inducing chronic atrophic gastritis in mice. World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2019, 11(12):1115-1125.
  2. Bazin T., et al. Multispectral imaging detects gastritis consistently in mouse model and in humans. Sci Rep. 2020, 10(1):20047.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.