Ace Therapeutics
Custom Crohn's Disease Models
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Custom Crohn's Disease Models


At Ace Therapeutics, we excel at developing advanced Crohn's disease models tailored to support pathology research and drug development. Using state-of-the-art technologies and advanced methodologies, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including the development of in vitro cell-based models, ex vivo tissue models, and in vivo animal models. Our dedicated team of scientists is committed to providing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of our customers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

What Is Crohn's Disease?

Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disease. While the exact cause is unknown, it is reported to result from a combination of genetic predisposition, an overactive immune response, and environmental factors. Pathologically, it is characterized by transmural inflammation that can extend deep into the bowel wall and surrounding tissues. Common pathological features include granulomas, fissures, and fibrous strictures in the intestines. Commonly used treatment drugs for Crohn's disease include immune modulators and biologics that aim to reduce inflammation and control symptoms.

Figure 1. Causes and pathogenesis of Crohn's diseaseFigure 1. Causes and pathogenesis of Crohn's disease (Roda, G., et al., 2020)

How Do We Customize Crohn's Disease Models?

Ace Therapeutics understands the unique needs of our customers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, providing customized Crohn's disease models to assist customers in achieving research goals for drug development and research on disease mechanisms.

Animal Species Key Advantages Model Types Applications
  • High-throughput and cost-effective
  • Genetic tractability and low cost
  • Similar immune system development to humans
  • Dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis
  • Useful for studying early inflammation stages and testing therapeutic agents.
  • TNF-α overexpression models
  • Provide insights into the role of TNF-α in CD pathogenesis, instrumental in developing anti-TNF therapies.
  • IL-10 deficiency models
  • Help understand immune dysregulation in CD.
  • Adopted T cell transfer models
  • Investigate the specific contributions of T cells to CD pathology.
  • Gastrointestinal tracts are more similar to humans than mice.
  • Larger size facilitates surgical procedures and extensive tissue sampling.
  • TNBS-induced colitis
  • Characterized by transmural inflammation, valuable for immunological studies and therapeutic testing.
  • IL-10 deficiency models
  • Aid in exploring immune dysregulation.
  • Chemically induced models
  • Including acetic acid and oxazolone-induced colitis to mimic different aspects of CD pathology.
  • The cell composition and structural organization of the intestine are highly conserved between zebrafish and mammals.
  • Rapid development and strong reproductive capacity
  • Small size, transparent embryos and larvae, easy to observe
  • Chemically induced (e.g., TNBS, DAA) models
  • Genetic (e.g., MSP, PI3K, Trmt5) genetic modified models
  • Study inflammation and immune responses in simplified gut structures.
  • Investigate the early stages of CD pathogenesis.
  • Anatomical and physiological similarities to humans
  • Closer gut microbiota composition to humans than rodents
  • Easy to genetically modify
  • Genetic modification models
  • Microbiota interactions: Investigate microbiome and CD interplay.
Non-Human Primate Animals
  • Genetic and physiological similarities to humans
  • Closely resembling human CD
  • Chemically induced models
  • Genetic modification models
  • Inflammation and immunology studies: Investigate immune system and gut interactions.
  • Mucosal healing: Study critical aspects of CD management.
  • Therapeutic testing: Test novel therapies, including biologics and small molecule compounds.

By leveraging our state-of-the-art technologies and cutting-edge methodologies, Ace Therapeutics enables researchers to gain valuable insights into disease progression, explore novel therapeutic targets, and evaluate the efficacy of potential drug candidates. Contact us now to explore the power of our custom Crohn's disease models to accelerate your drug development endeavors and pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in the field.


  1. Roda, G., et al. Crohn's disease. Nat Rev Dis Primers, 2020, 6(1):22.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.