Ace Therapeutics
Liver Disease Drug Efficacy Testing
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Liver Disease Drug Efficacy Testing


Liver Disease Drug Efficacy Testing

Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of liver disease research and has extensive research experience in various fields of liver disease research. We aim to provide you with the most professional liver disease research services.

In the process of drug development, the effectiveness of a drug is an important indicator to evaluate the value of a drug. Effective pharmacodynamic testing is generally based on the comprehensive evaluation of drugs in vitro and in vivo models. Based on years of experience in liver disease research and advanced technology platforms, we have built a comprehensive pharmacodynamic testing platform for liver disease drugs.

What Can We Do?

We have developed experimental models for various liver diseases. These experimental models have the unique characteristics and etiology of human liver diseases, and can effectively evaluate the therapeutic effect of candidate drugs in clinical liver diseases. Based on these experimental models, we provide comprehensive pharmacodynamic testing services to better understand the underlying mechanisms and efficacy of candidate drugs in clinical practice.

  • Animal Model Establishment Services

Animal models are important research tools for testing candidate drugs. Therefore, the establishment of scientific and accurate animal models is a basic requirement for the study of liver diseases. Based on our rich research experience, we have established a perfect experimental protocol in the field of liver disease animal model construction to meet the needs of different liver disease researchers.

  • Drug Efficacy Testing Services

In order to obtain effective liver drugs, we provide comprehensive pharmacodynamic testing services for liver drugs based on our professional team and technology platform.

  • Hepatocyte Activity Assay

We will test the effect of candidate drugs on hepatocyte activity

  • Clinical Observation & Physical Examination

We will examine the body weight, behavior, food intake, liver weight, spleen weight, ascites measurement and other indicators of experimental animals

  • Liver Histological Analysis

We will perform H&E staining of liver tissue, staining for collagen deposition and quantification in liver tissue, detection of targets and other markers

  • Biomarker Analysis

We will perform serum ALT/AST analysis, gene expression and profiling, microarray gene expression, and protein and metabolite analysis

Ace Therapeutics has extensive practical experience in the field of liver disease drug development. Our professional team will develop a unique pharmacodynamic evaluation service for your drug candidate. We can provide high-quality data and a fast turnaround time to support your study. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.