Ace Therapeutics
Custom Autoimmune Liver Disease Models
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Custom Autoimmune Liver Disease Models


The scientists at Ace Therapeutics are deeply involved in the field of autoimmune liver disease (ALD). We have a dedicated team to build ALD models to fully meet the needs of our clients to build the right ALD model.

Currently, existing ALD models cannot meet all the characteristics of human ALD. Therefore, it is crucial to construct appropriate animal models for different research projects. We can provide you with common animal models of ALD, while our scientists will develop exclusive animal models for you according to your opinions and requirements, providing you with high quality service and a full guarantee.

Fig.1 Characteristic features of type 2 AIH in a mouse model.Fig.1 Characteristic features of type 2 AIH in a mouse model. (Wang, H., et al., 2020)

What Can We Do?

In order to provide more accurate ALD models, our team has been working on ALD models for more than ten years to form a perfect workflow and construct suitable models to meet the needs of our customers.

  • Animal Models of Autoimmune Hepatitis

We are well aware that a good animal model of autoimmune hepatitis must first meet 4 characteristics, leukocyte infiltration into the liver parenchyma, fibrosis, presence of autoantibodies, and hypergammaglobulinemia. Therefore, when we construct the autoimmune hepatitis model, we always take these 4 items as the most basic requirements. At the same time, we will combine the pathological characteristics of AIH and our clients' needs to develop most suitable animal models.

Genetic Models: NTxPD-1-/- model, TAM-/- model, Aire-/- model

Chemical-Induced Models: Antigen-containing human liver isolates induced AIH model, Liver autoantigen-induced AIH model

Infection-Triggered Models: Trigger factor-induced AIH model (Hepatitis, Coxsackie, Herpes simplex viruses)

  • Animal Models of Primary Biliary Cholangitis

For a good animal model of PBC, it needs to fulfill the characteristics of interlobular bile duct lesion involvement, peribiliary leukocyte infiltration, granuloma formation, and the presence of anti-mitochondrial antibodies. We will customize an animal model for you based on the different PBC pathologies and your needs.

Genetic Models: dnTGF-βRII mice, IL-2Rα-/- mice, IFNγ-ARE-Del mice

Chemical-Induced Models: 2-OA-BSA-immunized mice, Poly I:C sensitized mice, Novosphingobium aromaticivorans mice

Infection-Triggered Models: NOD mice, dnTGFβRII mice, IL-2Rα-/- mice, FoxP3-deficient mice, AE2a,b-/- mice, ARE-Del-/- mice

  • Animal Models of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

When constructing animal models of PSC, we always keep in mind the characters for the animal models of PSC, including intra- and extrahepatic bile duct fibrosis, leukocyte infiltration, association with inflammatory bowel disease, and susceptibility to the development of bile duct cancer. In addition, we can offer customized animal models according to the needs of our clients.

Genetic Models: Mdr2-/- model, Cftr-/- model

Chemical-Induced Models: DDC-induced mouse model, TNBS-induced mouse model, LCA-induced mouse model

Ace Therapeutics continues to improve our service level by combining and innovating traditional ALD molding methods to provide the most scientific and professional services to our customers. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Wang, H. X., et al., Immune mechanisms of concanavalin a model of autoimmune hepatitis. World J Gastroenterol, 2012. 18(2): p. 119-125.
  2. Wang, H., et al., Regulatory t cells in autoimmune hepatitis: Unveiling their roles in mouse models and patients. Front Immunol, 2020. 11: p. 575572.

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