Ace Therapeutics
Custom Liver Cancer Models
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Custom Liver Cancer Models


Ace Therapeutics aims to provide the most scientific experimental models for liver cancer researchers worldwide. Our scientists have over a decade of research experience in the field of liver cancer and have established a comprehensive protocol for establishing experimental models of liver cancer.

Liver cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, and its incidence is increasing. Therefore, we aim to facilitate the progress of liver cancer research by providing different experimental models related to liver cancer in order to lay the foundation for the study of its pathogenesis and therapy development.

Figure 1. Potential pipeline involving organoid and humanised PDX establishment from liver tumors (Bresnahan E., et al., 2020)

What Can We Do?

Based on our rich research experience and professional attitude of keeping up with the times, Ace Therapeutics provides professional liver cancer model construction services to meet the needs of different research projects.

  • In Vitro Experimental Models of Liver Cancer

In vitro liver cancer models can be used for rapid drug screening and also play an important role in basic research on liver cancer. Therefore, we offer comprehensive services for in vitro models of liver cancer. Our in vitro liver cancer models include but are not limited to

  • Two-dimensional hepatocellular carcinoma cell culture - simple and feasible operation, real-time assessment of cell survival and proliferation
  • Human-derived liver cancer xenograft model - study in vivo tumor biological interactions, simulate tumor microenvironment, personalized drug screening, and visualize anti-tumor effects
  • Hepatocellular carcinoid model - explore the histological and biological characteristics of the original tumor, spontaneous growth, long-term growth, and transmission, simulate complex tumor microenvironment
  • Three-dimensional hepatocellular carcinoma cell model

Polysphere model - higher degree of histochemistry, in vitro drug hepatotoxicity testing

Bioreactor - dynamic cell culture microenvironment, adjustable culture parameters

Microfluidic chip - flow state 3D culture to establish cell-to-cell connections

  • 3D bioprinting - Preserves biological and genetic characteristics of the original tumor, allows for personalized drug screening and visualization of antitumor effects
  • In Vivo Experimental Models of Liver Cancer

Animal models of liver cancer allow us to more accurately monitor the physiological and pathological changes in vivo and evaluate the anticancer activity of drug candidates. We offer different liver cancer models for different pathologies of liver cancer to meet the needs of different experiments. Our models include but are not limited to

  • Chemical-induced Liver Cancer Models
    We can use diethylnitrosamine, aflatoxin B1, carbon tetrachloride and other liver cancer inducers to induce liver cancer in animal models.
  • Transplanted Liver Cancer Models
    We construct transplanted liver cancer models by inoculating immunodeficient mice with human-derived hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines or patient-derived hepatocellular carcinoma tissue blocks.
  • Genetically Engineered Liver Cancer Models
    We can manipulate the mouse genome using genetic engineering techniques to induce the formation of liver tumors in mice.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of liver cancer models, and our services have been validated by many parties. Our team can customize the appropriate experimental model for you according to your research needs. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Bresnahan E, et al. Novel patient-derived preclinical models of liver cancer. Journal of hepatology, 2020, 72(2): 239-249.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.