Ace Therapeutics
Custom Viral Hepatitis Models
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Custom Viral Hepatitis Models


Ace Therapeutics has extensive hands-on experience in the field of viral hepatitis experimental model construction. We aim to provide the most scientific model-building services to viral hepatitis researchers worldwide through our professional knowledge and extensive experience.

The construction of animal models of viral hepatitis has been greatly limited due to the host specificity of viral hepatitis, which in turn has affected the progress of viral hepatitis research. Based on our rich research experience and technical platform, we have established a comprehensive program of animal model construction to meet the needs of different researchers and facilitate the progress of viral hepatitis research.

What Can We Do?

Viral hepatitis has been mainly studied in non-human primates due to the inability of mice to be infected with viral hepatitis. With the development of technology, we have developed different methods through genetic engineering and other means to make more small animals into experimental models of viral hepatitis.

Experimental Models for Hepatitis A Virus Infection

In general, people infected with viral hepatitis A recover completely and acquire lifelong immunity, but a small proportion will still die from severe hepatitis. Due to the pathogenicity and host immune response of the hepatitis A virus, the commonly used research models are still dominated by non-human primates such as chimpanzees and marmosets. We have established a variety of animal models such as mice, tree shrews, and pigs, as well as different in vitro models to meet the needs of different studies.

Experimental Models for Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Hepatitis B is one of the most difficult viral hepatitis to cure and there is no effective therapy for it. We can provide researchers with different kinds of experimental models to reduce the difficulty of hepatitis B research and promote the progress of hepatitis B research.

Experimental Models for Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Since the natural hosts of hepatitis C infection are limited to humans and chimpanzees, the establishment of ideal experimental models has become critical for the study of hepatitis C virus infection. Based on our rich research experience and professional technology platform, we have established a series of experimental model construction methods, which can provide suitable experimental models for different hepatitis C studies.

Experimental Models for Hepatitis E Virus Infection

We have established well-established model construction solutions for different hepatitis E virus infection models to provide scientific, accurate and reproducible experimental models. Meanwhile, we have also constructed different experimental models for small animals and large animals to meet the needs of different research types.

Each model has its advantages and disadvantages. Scientists at Ace Therapeutics will provide you with appropriate model-building schemes based on your experimental needs. Contact us so that we have the opportunity to offer you sincere and thoughtful help and support.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.