Ace Therapeutics
Custom Alcoholic Liver Disease Models
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Custom Alcoholic Liver Disease Models


Experimental Model Services for Alcoholic Liver Disease

Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of alcoholic liver disease. We promote research in the field of liver disease by providing a full range of liver disease research services.

Experimental models are often used to model and understand the underlying mechanisms of human disease and are important tools in biological research. Alcoholic liver disease is the leading cause of acute and chronic liver injury. It is also a growing global health problem. Therefore, research on alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is urgently needed. Our scientists have established a series of well-established and stable animal models for alcoholic liver disease to meet the needs of different researchers.

What Can We Do?

We offer a wide range of experimental models for alcoholic liver disease to meet the needs of different researchers, including in vitro models, in vivo models, and human-derived rodent models.

  • In Vitro Models for ALD

In vitro models can initially mimic the environment of alcoholic liver disease and provide preliminary screening of disease mechanisms and drug development. Therefore, we have constructed in vitro models of different types of alcoholic liver disease to meet the preliminary studies of alcoholic liver disease.

  • Two-dimensional (2D) monolayer cell cultures models

We can provide different liver cell lines for alcoholic liver disease models, such as HepG2 AML-12, RAW264.7, and primary hepatocytes.

  • Three-dimensional (3D) cell cultures models

The 2D monolayer cell culture system is very simple, but this is also its disadvantage. The 3D cell culture can compensate for this drawback to some extent. With our advanced and stable 3D cell culture technology such as organoid, we can provide you with a scientific 3D cell culture model for alcoholic liver disease.

  • Liver-on-Chip models

Given the unique advantages that liver-on-chip models can be used to reconstruct 3D structures at the microscopic scale and achieve physiological fluid flow and hepatocyte crosstalk, we have established a system of methods to construct in vitro ALD models on a chip that can be used to study drug-induced hepatotoxicity and liver function.

  • In Vivo Models for ALD

Rodents are the most commonly used experimental animals, but due to their natural aversion to alcohol and rapid metabolism, they do not fully mimic the characteristics of human alcoholic liver disease. We have optimized and improved the commonly used models of alcoholic liver disease to meet the needs of different researchers. We offer the Lieber-DeCarli liquid diet, Ethanol ad libitum feeding, the Tsukamoto-French model, the NIAA model, and the Ethanol + CCl4 treatment model.

  • Humanized Rodent Models for ALD

Although there are different animal models of ALD, all of them have certain drawbacks. Therefore, we are committed to developing humanized rodent models. Our technique allows the transplantation of different functional human cells or tissues into mice or rats, making ALD models more effective.

The types of cells and tissues we can transplant include but are not limited to immune cells, hepatocytes, skin tissue, pancreatic islets, endometrium, and nerve cells.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of liver disease model construction. Our scientists will combine the advantages and disadvantages of different models and specific experimental protocols to develop a suitable experimental model for you. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.