Ace Therapeutics
Custom Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Models
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Custom Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Models


Ace Therapeutics knows the importance of experimental models in research. Therefore, we do not dare to slacken off at all. Our scientists keep up with the times and constantly enrich themselves in order to provide the most professional and appropriate services to our clients worldwide.

The pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is not fully understood, and there is a lack of specific drugs for NAFLD. Therefore, more research on NAFLD is still needed. With our advanced platform and well-established knowledge, we are committed to providing the best experimental models to facilitate the progress of NAFLD research. For both in vitro and in vivo models of NAFLD, we have established a proven workflow to ensure the reproducibility of the models.

Experimental Model Services for NAFLD

What Can We Do?

Ace Therapeutics strives to keep abreast of the latest scientific advances and is committed to building the most advanced and appropriate NAFLD experimental models. Not only do we provide commonly used NAFLD models, but we can also develop the right model for your research project.

  • In Vitro Experimental Model for NAFLD

In vitro experimental models can be used to rapidly assess the toxicity of drug candidates, and therefore suitable in vitro experimental models are essential for drug development. We offer different NAFLD in vitro models to meet the needs of different studies.

  • Human Liver Slices
    Short-term transcriptomics studies for drug therapy
  • Bioprinted Human Liver
    Optimized drug toxicity assessment process
  • In Vitro-engineered Liver Model
    NAFLD therapies can be tested and their transcriptomics and metabolic pathways are similar to those of human disease.
  • In Vivo Experimental Model for NAFLD

In vivo animal models for NAFLD research are mostly based on dietary induction, genetics, and a combination of interventions. The promotion and use of various histological studies in the study of NAFLD have led to increasing demands on the relevant animal models. Our scientists keep abreast of the frontiers of science, and with rich experience and practice have summarized a mature process of the model establishment to ensure the scientific validity of the models and the accuracy of the studies. Our services include but are not limited to

  • Different genetic animal models for NAFLD & related technologies
    The ob/ob (leptin deficient) and db/db (leptin receptor deficient) mice, the Zucker (fa/fa) rat, foz mice (deficient in the Alstrom syndrome 1 gene), several transgenic or conditional knockout mice and others.
  • Different dietary induction animal models for NAFLD & related technologies
    Diet characteristics: High fat, high sucrose diet, methionine deficiency, choline deficiency

Inbred isogenic offspring of a C57Bl/6J mouse crossed with a s129/SvlmJ mouse

Ace Therapeutics has a dedicated team for NAFLD experimental models. Our team has extensive experience in model construction and can provide you with the right experimental model according to your requirements. Our professionalism and meticulousness are only to ensure the scientific accuracy of your research and save your valuable efforts and time. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Jahn, D., et al., Animal models of nafld from a hepatologist's point of view. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis, 2019. 1865(5): p. 943-953.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.