Behavior Tests in Psychiatry

Behavior Tests in Psychiatry


Introduction of Behavior Tests in Psychiatry

Over the past 30 years, many genetically engineered mouse lines have been generated to model human genetic diseases, including neuropsychiatric disorders. Mice exhibit about 90% gene homology with humans, and the protein-coding regions of the mouse and human genomes are on average 85% identical, supporting its high usefulness for studying molecular and behavioral changes involved in the pathogenesis of neurological diseases. Since behavior represents the final output of the central nervous system and is used to assess the effects of new drugs or genetic modifications, functional genetic analysis of mice modeled for neuropsychiatric disorders relies on efficient and in-depth characterization of behavioral profiles.

Fig. 1 A selection of behavioural tests for mice.Fig. 1 A selection of behavioural tests for mice. (Brooks SP, et al., 2009)

Behavioral Testing Services for Animal Models of Mental Illness

Ace Therapeutics has many years of experience in mental illness research, and we have a mature animal R&D platform for mental illness. We have established and characterized models of neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and bipolar disorder, among others. This will help you understand the genetic and molecular mechanisms behind complex behaviors such as circadian rhythms, anxiety and cognitive function. In addition, we have established multiple mouse behavioral test methods designed to maximize the scope and reproducibility of discovery, minimize artifacts and false positive results, and provide a robust and effective translation tool for testing hypotheses and developing new therapeutic methods. The behavior tests we provide include but are not limited to the following:

Ace Therapeutics provides a variety of classic anxiety behavior tests. These tests explore the mechanisms of anxiety and anti anxiety drugs, allow research to better predict human clinical outcomes, improve the success rate of clinical trials, and accelerate the development of new treatments.

Ace Therapeutics can evaluate different components of depression in rodent models through multiple tests. For example, tail suspension and forced swimming tests measure hopelessness, novelty inhibition feeding tests measure apathy, and sucrose preference tests assess anorexia.

Ace Therapeutics can provide various behavior tests related to addiction, such as locomotor sensitivity test, conditioned place preference test and running test. We mainly customize the test plan according to the customer's research objectives, and design the best research model and evaluation tool.

Ace Therapeutics has a full set of video tracking software and data analysis system, and is committed to providing customers with scientific and reliable experimental results. In the data analysis part of fear condition test, we conduct repeated measurement one-way ANOVA for each different arrest test score to compare the degree of conditional fear between association and association or auditory cue changes, and determine the differences between groups.

Ace Therapeutics provides various exercise behavior tests for phenotypic mouse and rat models, and evaluates the effects of compounds in different environments. These tests can help researchers better understand the mental disorders that affect exercise and speed up the development of effective treatments.

Ace Therapeutics provides a wide range of cognitive function related behavior testing services, including various types of maze tests. We provide overall testing program evaluation and optimization services for clients conducting psychiatric research and related drug screening.

Ace Therapeutics provides behavior testing services related to learning and memory, evaluates the correlation between psychological diseases and behaviors of rodents under different task conditions, and provides a reliable basis for how related diseases and drugs affect human learning and memory.

Ace Therapeutics selects the appropriate behavioral test according to your research needs, and provides high-quality testing services for your research. If you are interested, please make an inquiry with a description of your specific needs and we will be happy to assist you.


  1. Brooks SP, Dunnett SB. Tests to assess motor phenotype in mice: a user's guide. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2009, 10(7):519-529.

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