Cognition Behavior Tests for Psychiatric Disorders

Cognition Behavior Tests for Psychiatric Disorders


Ace Therapeutics offers a variety of cognitive-behavioral tests to assess the efficacy of compounds. We have many years of experience in the development and characterization of effective genetic and inducible cognitive models and their application in preclinical drug development. We have a wide range of state-of-the-art behavioral monitoring equipment, including designated mazes, hardware and software, allowing monitoring of different aspects of animal behavior in a variety of animal models, from rodents to primates.

Introduction of Cognition Behavior Tests for Psychiatric Disorders

Cognition is the most complex mental process for acquiring knowledge. Cognition refers to the ability to learn new skills and information, store them in the form of different types of memory, and ultimately retrieve and apply this knowledge in everyday activities. Cognition is a highly complex mental process that requires the coordinated action of multiple brain regions. Cognitive impairment is a hallmark of several neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders (autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia).

Cognition Behavior Tests for Psychiatric Disorders

Cognition Behavior Testing Services

As a professional animal behavior testing service provider, Ace Therapeutics provides a wide range of cognitive function-related behavior testing services, including various types of maze tests. We provide holistic testing protocol evaluation and optimization services for clients conducting psychiatric disease research and related drug screening. We offer a variety of cognitive behavioral testing services, including but not limited to:

  • Morris Water Maze Test

The Morris water maze is a spatial learning test for rodents that is widely used to study spatial memory and learning. We analyzed and inferred learning, memory, and spatial cognition abilities by observing and recording the time animals entered the water and searched for hidden platforms, strategies used, and swimming trajectories.

  • Eight-arm Radial Maze Test

The eight-arm radial maze is a device consisting of eight identical arms radiating outward from a central platform, with a feeding device at the end of each arm. We evaluated the spatial cognitive memory ability of experimental animals by analyzing their feeding strategies. This experiment can be used in the assessment of cognitive memory tests to distinguish between short-term working memory and long-term reference memory.

  • T maze test

The T-maze is an elevated or enclosed device placed horizontally in a T-shape. Our T-maze testing services mainly include T-maze test and T-maze autonomous alternation test. These assays can be used to test discriminative cognition, working memory, and reference memory in animals.

  • Y Maze Test

Our Y maze testing services mainly include Y maze food reward test and Y maze electrical stimulation test. We assessed the spatial memory ability of experimental animals by analyzing their feeding strategies. We provide characterization metrics including the number and times of entries into each arm, the number of correct ones, the number of incorrect ones as well as routes and other parameters.

  • Barnes Maze Test

The Barnes maze is constructed as a round table with holes around the circumference. The purpose of the test is for the test animal to reach the escape box located under one of the holes. This task utilizes rodents' preference for dark environments to assess spatial learning and memory. In contrast to the radial arm maze and the Morris water maze, the Barnes maze does not require dietary restrictions or swimming to assess behavior. This assay is commonly used to screen the effects of compounds on learning and memory in rodent models of such impairments.

Ace Therapeutics selects the appropriate cognitive-behavioral experimental protocol according to your research needs, and provides high-quality testing services for your research. If you are interested, please make an inquiry with a description of your specific needs and we will be happy to assist you.

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