Motor Behavior Tests for Psychiatric Disorders

Motor Behavior Tests for Psychiatric Disorders


Ace Therapeutics provides researchers with a variety of high-quality, customized behavioral tests. We are committed to continuously developing new, flexible motor behavior-related tests to help our customers choose the appropriate research method and accelerate their psychiatric disease-related research.

Introduction of Motor Behavior Tests for Psychiatric Disorders

Motor planning and performance disturbances are more frequently involved in psychiatric disorders than in other neuropsychological or neuropsychological functional domains, and psychiatric disorders and movement disorders are highly comorbid. Psychotropic drugs are prone to adversely affect motor function. Furthermore, small changes in motor activity may be the only sign of a shift in emotional state.

Fig. 1 selection of behavioural tests for mice.Fig. 1 selection of behavioural tests for mice. (Brooks SP, et al., 2009)

Motor Behavior Testing Services

Ace Therapeutics offers a variety of motor behavioral tests to phenotype mouse and rat models and evaluate the effect of compounds in different settings. These tests could help researchers gain insight into psychiatric disorders that affect movement and accelerate the development of effective treatments for these disorders. The motor behavior tests we provide include but are not limited to the following:

Test Description Analysis Indicators Advantages
Rotarod Test The rat is placed on a long rotating rod and must constantly move forward and balance to avoid falling. Sometimes the speed of rotation is gradually increased throughout the test. All mice have limited stamina and will eventually fall off the rod. The time the mouse stayed on the rod。 Measured variable is objective, not confounded by subjective interpretation.
Cylinder Test Each mouse was placed in a transparent cylindrical enclosure and observed for a period of time. Rats will naturally scratch at walls and try to escape. The extent to which the mouse's forelimbs are in contact with the wall Test takes only a few minutes to complete.
Raised Beam Test Mice cross a narrow beam suspended above the ground and onto a large platform on the other side. The time the rats pass through the beam and the number of times they tripped or slipped. More sensitive than rotarod test.
Swimming Test Mice were placed in water tanks and then swam around. Rats don't like water, so will move around as much as possible, trying to find a way to escape the tank. Sometimes includes a raised platform that the rat must reach to get out of the water. The time when the mouse arrived at the platform, as well as the swimming speed and limb movement. Analyzing video of the trials provides great accuracy and precision
Footprint Analysis Ink the mice's feet so they leave clear footprints as they move around. Each foot can use a different color. Footprints are analyzed to quantify various gait indicators, such as stride length and width, and finger opening. Results translate very easily from mouse model to human.
Running Wheel The wheels are placed in the pens of the mice, and they will enter by themselves, running on the wheel for a long time. Distance travelled, average speed and rest time Entirely automated.

Ace Therapeutics offers customizable behavioral tests to meet specific scientific needs. Please feel free to make an inquiry and let us know what you want to achieve. Our team of experts will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your needs.


  1. Brooks SP, Dunnett SB. Tests to assess motor phenotype in mice: a user's guide. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2009, 10(7):519-529.

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