Animal Models in Psychiatry
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Animal Models in Psychiatry


Ace Therapeutics is committed to supporting scientists in making groundbreaking scientific discoveries and developing new applications to accelerate drug discovery and scientific diagnosis and treatment of antipsychotic diseases. We have a mature animal model research and development platform. We aim to provide customized services for animal models of depression for psychiatric research and to help researchers successfully achieve their research goals.

Introduction of Animal Models in Psychiatry

Neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and autism are so prevalent, begin early in life, and have a major impact on the worldwide disease burden that new therapeutic mechanisms have all but stalled. It is difficult to imagine major advances in pathophysiology or therapeutics without good animal models.

Fig. 1 Experimental models for the study of depression.Fig. 1 Experimental models for the study of depression. (Song J, et al.,2021)

Animal Modeling Services for Psychiatric Diseases

Ace Therapeutics has established a variety of animal models of mental illness through methods such as selective breeding, genetic engineering, brain injury, and environmental manipulation. These models simulate as much as possible the neurological or behavioral pathology of human diseases. These models can help you understand disease pathophysiology and accelerate the development of therapeutics based on new molecular targets.

We have developed a variety of animal models based on the etiology of depression, acute or chronic stress exposure, gene environment interaction, exogenous glucocorticoid administration and gene manipulation. These animal models of depression can be used to study the molecular and cellular pathways that may be crucial to the pathogenesis of depression.

We have developed more than 20 different animal models of schizophrenia based on developmental, drug-induced, lesion and genetic manipulation. These models are very valuable preclinical tools that can be used to help you study the neurobiological basis of schizophrenia.

We have established a variety of animal models of anxiety disorders through psychosocial, physical and chronic unpredictable stress. These models are helpful to study the pharmacological mechanism and potential clinical effects of drugs.

Our addiction models are excellent tools for identifying pathological mechanisms, target recognition, and drug development, and can provide critical insights into associative learning, functional neuroanatomy, and cellular mechanisms of drug addiction disorders.

We offer a selection of pharmacological, environmental and genetic animal models for the study of bipolar disorder, the vast majority of which recapitulate specific aspects associated with mania.

We have established a variety of animal models of autism by mutating homologous genes in experimental animals, and these models can be used to analyze the role of many genetic abnormalities in the etiology and symptomology of autism spectrum disorder.

We have developed multiple animal models of OCD through genetic, pharmacologically induced, behavior-based manipulation, and neurodevelopmental approaches that can be used to develop new therapeutic strategies for OCD and other related disorders.

We can provide some environmental and genetic animal models for studying eating disorders, including animal models of anorexia nervosa and animal models of bulimia nervosa/binge eating. These models accurately reproduce the alterations in feeding and neuroendocrine function that are unique to each eating disorder.

Ace Therapeutics is committed to providing customers with tailor-made one-stop solutions to help them overcome the challenges of preclinical research on psychiatric disorders and development of antipsychotic drugs. Our scientists have rich experience in animal model development and have the ability to put diverse ideas into practice. If you are interested in our services, please make an inquiry for more details.


  1. Song J, Kim YK. Animal models for the study of depressive disorder. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2021, 27(6):633-642.

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