Autism Animal Models
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Autism Animal Models


Ace Therapeutics has been focusing on the development and optimization of animal models of psychiatric diseases for many years, and has established an excellent research platform for the development of antipsychotic drugs. We are committed to providing customized services for autism animal models for mental disease research, helping researchers to achieve their research goals smoothly.

Introduction of Autism Animal Models

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) include common, impairing neurodevelopmental disorders that are present from early childhood and occur in approximately 1% of the population. Many ASD-related studies cannot be directly applied to humans due to technical or ethical constraints. Animal models provide preclinical tools to understand the role of genetic mutations and environmental factors in producing autism diagnoses and associated symptoms. Currently, mice with targeted mutations in homologous genes have been generated as translational research tools. Mouse models of autism can be used to reveal the behavioral and biological consequences of risk gene mutations.

Fig. 1 Crmp4-KO mice as an animal model for investigating certain phenotypes of autism spectrum disorders.Fig. 1 Crmp4-KO mice as an animal model for investigating certain phenotypes of autism spectrum disorders. (Ohtani-Kaneko R, 2019)

Animal Modeling Services for Autism

Ace Therapeutics has many years of experience in psychiatric disease research and a mature animal research and development platform. We have established a variety of animal models of autism by mutating homologous genes in experimental animals, and these models can be used to analyze the role of many genetic abnormalities in the etiology and symptomology of autism spectrum disorder. Depending on your research goals, we can provide animal models for behavioral analysis associated with specific symptoms to help you identify the biological mechanisms behind core features of autism spectrum disorder.

Information on animal models of autism we provide:

Table 1 Genetically manipulated animal models of autism.

Gene Autism-relevant behavoral phenotypes
Integrin β3 Lack of preference for social novelty, increased repetitive self-grooming
Nign1 Increased repetitive self-grooming
Nign2 Increased repetitive self-grooming
Nign3 Reduced pup ultrasonic vocalizations, sensory abnormalities
Nign4 Reduced sociability and vocalizations
Neurexin-1α Increased repetitive self-grooming
Cntnap2 Seizures, reduced social behaviors
Shank3 Mild reduction in social interactions and adult vocalizations
En2 Reduced social behaviors - Impaired learning and memory
Met Cognitive deficit
Foxp2 Reduced pup ultrasonic vocalizations
Pten Reduced reciprocal social interactions - Reduced sociability
Avrp1 Impaired social recognition - Reduced reciprocal social interaction
Reduced ultrasonic vocalizations
Cadps2 Reduced reciprocal social interactions
Gabrb3 Low sociability - Lack of preference for social novelty, repetitive stereotyped circling behavior
Oxtr Impaired social recognition - Reduced pup ultrasonic vocalizations
Slc6a4 Low sociability, lack of preference for social novelty

Note: Our service list is constantly updated and improved. Please contact us via email for more latest information and related information.

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Ace Therapeutics offers a variety of animal models for studying cortical circuit development, genetic analysis, and molecular mechanisms of ASD. Please tell us your project requirements, we will provide you with a comprehensive service from solution to report. If you have any questions, please feel free to make an inquiry.


  1. Ohtani-Kaneko R. Crmp4-KO Mice as an Animal Model for Investigating Certain Phenotypes of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Int J Mol Sci. 2019, 20(10):2485.
  2. Crawley JN. Translational animal models of autism and neurodevelopmental disorders. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2012, 14(3):293-305.

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