Anxiety Animal Models
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Anxiety Animal Models


Ace Therapeutics, as a drug discovery and development partner, can provide our global customers with flexible and customized anxiety animal model services to help researchers successfully achieve their research goals.

Introduction of Anxiety Animal Models

Anxiety and stress-related disorders are serious psychiatric disorders, and pathological variants of anxiety can severely impede the daily lives of those affected and bring a high cost to public health. To uncover the neurobiological mechanisms underlying normal anxiety and its pathological variations, animal models are essential tools. Scientists have observed similar traits in emotional expression in animals and humans, opening up the possibility of studying the mechanisms of mental illness in other mammals, mainly rodents.

Fig. 1 Animal models of anxiety and depression disorders.Fig. 1 Animal models of anxiety and depression disorders. (Altemus M, et al., 2014)

Animal Modeling Services for Anxiety

Ace Therapeutics' primary protocols for inducing stress responses in rodents include psychosocial (social defeat and neonatal isolation stress), physical (restraint stress), and chronic unpredictable stress approaches. Our models have good face validity, construct validity and predictive validity.

  • Face Validity: The behavioral responses to threatening stimuli in our animal model are comparable to the behavioral and physiological responses observed in humans.
  • Predictive Validity: Our model are sensitive to clinically effective drugs, and they exhibit reduced anxiety when treated with anxiolytics.
  • Construct Validity: Our models can be used to understand the mechanisms and etiology of behavioral and biological factors underlying diseases that may be similar in animals and humans.

Ace Therapeutics has many years of experience in the development of animal models of psychopathology, designed to provide researchers with valuable tools to analyze multiple causes (genetic, environmental or pharmacological). Our animal models of anxiety can be used to screen potential new drugs for anxiolytic and antidepressant effects and tools to investigate specific pathogenesis of major symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Animal models of anxiety that we can provide include, but are not limited to

Information on animal models of anxiety we provide:

Category Anxiety Animal Models
Punishment-induced conflict Geller-Seifter test
Vogel test
Conditioned suppression test
Ethological conflict Open field test
Elevated plus-maze
Light-dark compartment test
Social interaction test
Aversive tests Defensive probe-burying
PAG stimulation
Exposure to predator
Drug discrimination tests Pentylenetetrazol administration
Other anxiogenic drugs
Conditioned fear tests Fear-potentiated startle
Conditioned place-aversion
Developmental models Maternal separation model
Neonatal grooming model
Neonatal sepsis model
Pathophysiological models Hypothalamus dysfunction model
Amygdala priming model of anxiety
Trauma and HPA axis sensitization-models of PTSD
Transgenic models Serotonin receptor knockout mice
CRF receptor knockdown models
GABA system mutant mice

Note: Our service list is constantly updated and improved. Please contact us via email for more latest information and related information.

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Ace Therapeutics offers not only animal models of anxiety, but also assays to describe anxious behavior in rodents and to measure anxiety-related behaviors in these animals. Please tell us your project requirements, we will provide you with a comprehensive service from solution to report. If you have any questions, please feel free to make an inquiry.


  1. Kumar V, et al. Animal models of anxiety: a comprehensive review. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2013, 68(2):175-183.
  2. Altemus M, et al. Sex differences in anxiety and depression clinical perspectives. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2014, 35(3):320-330.

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