Nanomicelle-Based Ocular Drug Delivery System Development Services

Drug delivery to intraocular tissues remains challenging. As the world's leading ocular delivery system development service provider, Ace Therapeutics provides a non-invasive topical drug delivery method--nano micelle drug delivery system for global customers' ophthalmic product development, which is the ideal delivery system for hydrophobic drugs. Here, all our development agreements are based on the physicochemical properties of your drug candidates. You have reason to believe that we are your most reliable partner.

Development of a Nanomicelle Drug Delivery System for Ocular Disease

Advantages of Nanomicelles for Ocular Delivery Systems

Drug hydrophobicity is a major limiting factor in formulating clear water-soluble solutions at concentrations sufficient to achieve therapeutic levels in ocular tissue. Nanomicelle is a nanoscale vesicle carrier formed by amphiphilic monomer units, which can dissolve hydrophobic drugs by embedding them in the hydrophobic core of mixed micelles, especially the hydrophilic core extending outward. In addition, the nano-micron drug delivery platform serves as a potential drug carrier for the topical delivery of hydrophobic drugs. This can treat posterior ocular diseases non-invasively with less irritation. Overall, nano micelles are useful in ocular drug delivery due to their small size, aqueous clear/transparent drug formulation, encapsulation and dissolution of hydrophobic drugs, low toxicity, and ability to pass through ocular epithelial cells with minimal or no irritation. Achieving advantages such as high penetration, and ultimately improving ocular bioavailability, it is an excellent ocular delivery system.

Fig. 1. Nanocarrier synthesis and preparation of FBP-loaded nanomicelles.Fig. 1. Nanocarrier synthesis and preparation of FBP-loaded nanomicelles. (Weng YH, et al., 2017)

What Is Ace Therapeutics Doing for Ocular Drug Delivery System Development?

Topical administration (eye drops) is the most effective option for treating eye conditions. In recent years, Ace Therapeutics has been committed to providing leading ocular delivery system development services for global customers' ophthalmic product development. In particular, the development of a partial instillation of nano micelles delivery system. Our talented scientists will screen the most suitable micelle form according to the physicochemical properties of your candidate compounds. This includes ordinary micelles, surface-active nano micelles, polymer nano micelles, etc. To meet researchers' needs, our micellar preparation methods include:

  • Direct Dissolution Method
  • Dialysis Method
  • Drying or Evaporation Methods
  • Freeze Drying Method

One-stop Nanomicelle Drug Delivery System Development Service for Ocular Disease

Thanks to our experienced expert team and advanced ocular delivery system development platform, Ace Therapeutics provides global customers with one-stop nanomicelles ocular delivery system development services.

While a topical application of nanomicelles improves corneal permeability and increases ocular bioavailability. For the anterior segment of the eye, Ace Therapeutics provides the following two nano-micelle ocular delivery system development services.

  • Development of a Surfactant anomicelle Ocular Delivery System
  • Development of a Polymer Nanomicelle Ocular Delivery System

For the posterior segment of the eye, Ace Therapeutics' development strategy is to use nano-micelle carriers to deliver drugs to the posterior segment of the eye non-invasively. Nanomicelles help drug solubilization by embedding lipophilic molecules in their hydrophobic cores while acting as drug carriers/reservoirs.

It is worth mentioning that our nanomicelles delivery system is administered by local instillation into the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. Due to the non-invasive nature of the treatment, ocular administration side effects are greatly reduced, especially ocular the posterior segment.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Preparation of nanomicelles
  • Characterization of nanomicelles
  • In vitro cell evaluation
  • Corneal permeability assessment
  • Early ocular pharmacodynamic assessment
  • Ocular irritation assessment
  • Live animal models of ocular disease

Our Capabilities

Additionally, Ace Therapeutics offers the following other ocular delivery systems that may be of interest to you, ask our scientists for details.

As a contract provider of solutions for ocular diseases, we strive to better understand the unmet requirements for the successful delivery of ocular drug delivery systems. Ace Therapeutics provides nano-micelle drug delivery systems development services for our customers with non-invasive topical drug delivery systems. If you are interested in our services or need more detailed information, please feel free to contact us. Our experienced scientists are ready to help you!


  1. Vaishya RD, Khurana V, Patel S, et al. Controlled ocular drug delivery with nanomicelles. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. 2014 Sep-Oct;6(5):422-37.
  2. Weng YH, Ma XW, Che J, et al. Nanomicelle-Assisted Targeted Ocular Delivery with Enhanced Antiinflammatory Efficacy In Vivo. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2017 Nov 10;5(1):1700455.
For Research Use Only.

Ace Therapeutics is a research service provider specializing in ophthalmology. We are dedicated to providing exceptional research services that support drug development programs for clients worldwide.

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