Ace Therapeutics
Genetic Liver Disease Research Services
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Genetic Liver Disease Research Services


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of liver disease research. We have extensive research experience in the field of liver disease research.

Hereditary liver diseases are disorders of liver metabolism caused by genetic mutations, including but not limited to hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and other diseases. We provide comprehensive research services such as basic research services, drug development services, and model-building services for different genetic liver diseases.

Genetic Liver Disease Research Services

What Can We Do?

We provide quality services in basic research, drug development, and diagnostic development for different genetic liver diseases. We aim to facilitate the progress of your research through scientific and efficient services.

Hemochromatosis is a disease caused by impaired iron metabolism due to excessive iron stores in the body. There is no effective treatment available. We offer potential therapy development services to overcome hemochromatosis as early as possible by addressing the characteristics of hemochromatosis, both from the perspective of liver transplantation and hepcidin modulation. We also focus more on the basic research of the disease and promote drug development and diagnostic products through sound basic research.

Wilson's disease is an autosomal recessive defective copper metabolism disease. Most of the current studies suggest that it is due to the abnormal copper metabolism caused by the mutation of the ATP7B gene that reduces its function or even loses it, which in turn causes clinical symptoms of corresponding organ damage. We provide comprehensive research services for the exploration of various pathological mechanisms of Wilson's disease. In addition, we offer comprehensive research services to develop therapeutic candidates from the perspectives of cell therapy, gene therapy, and targeted drug development. We also provide a comprehensive development service for diagnostic products for the disease.

Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is an inborn metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency of the anti-protease component alpha-1-antitrypsin in the blood. The disease develops into a chronic condition that affects a person's normal life. We offer a comprehensive drug development service from both a gene therapy and targeted drug development perspective. We also provide comprehensive diagnostic product development services for basic research into the disease.

Experimental models are essential tools to facilitate disease research and drug development. We understand the importance of disease models for biological research and have therefore built a sophisticated and well-established program for building models of hereditary liver disease. We aim to facilitate the smooth progress of your research by providing high-quality, efficient, and accurate model-building services.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of hereditary liver disease research. We promote research progress in the field of genetic liver disease by providing comprehensive and quality services. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.