Ace Therapeutics
Hemochromatosis Research Services
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Hemochromatosis Research Services


Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of liver disease. Our scientists are committed to providing the most professional and scientific research services to our clients in the field of liver disease research worldwide. By providing a one-stop platform for liver disease research, we aim to facilitate the advancement of research in the field of liver disease worldwide.

Hemochromatosis is a systemic iron overload of genetic origin caused by a deficiency of hepcidin, including decreased production or decreased activity of hepcidin-ferroportin binding.

What Can We Do?

Our team of scientists is dedicated to advancing research in hemochromatosis. We offer our services in two main areas: therapeutic development and diagnostic technology development for hemochromatosis. With our expertise and state-of-the-art technology platforms, we will support your research projects.

  • Therapy Development for Hemochromatosis

There are currently no effective and targeted treatments for hemochromatosis, which makes it even more difficult to develop therapies. Based on our extensive experience in liver disease, our scientists can provide the most professional and appropriate research advice for your research project. Our technical staff will strictly control every aspect of the project to ensure the accuracy and scientific validity of the study.

  • Liver Transplant
  • Liver transplantation is an effective treatment for hemochromatosis, but still faces many problems, such as side effects and treatment costs. We are committed to developing more targeted treatment measures.

  • Hepcidin Therapy
  • Since hemochromatosis is associated with low hepcidin levels or hepcidin activity. Therefore, hepcidin is a promising target for the treatment of hemochromatosis. However, there is no effective treatment available. Our scientists are committed to providing the most comprehensive service for the development of iron-regulator therapies.

  • Diagnostic Technology Development for Hemochromatosis

Genetic testing is the most important route to early screening for hemochromatosis. In addition, effective diagnostic methods are crucial.

  • Since serum ferritin levels and transferrin saturation are early biological changes in hemochromatosis, we will develop sensitive and convenient diagnostic reagents for these two biological indicators for the initial diagnosis of hemochromatosis.
  • Imaging at the articular cartilage is crucial in the diagnosis of hemochromatosis, and we will continue to refine the relevant imaging techniques and optimize the biomarkers for detection to obtain more accurate results.
  • The severity of hemochromatosis will be measured by determining the amount of excess iron in the body and the degree of organ damage.

Ace Therapeutics is committed to promoting AATD research. We protect AATD researchers by providing professional, quality, and efficient services. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Brissot, P., et al., Haemochromatosis. Nat Rev Dis Primers, 2018. 4: p. 18016.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.