Ace Therapeutics
Wilson's Disease Research Services
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Wilson's Disease Research Services


Ace Therapeutics has over a decade of research experience in Wilson's disease. We are committed to providing the most professional and comprehensive research services to Wilson's disease research clients worldwide. Our scientists will provide you with the most appropriate advice and recommendations based on their expertise and lessons learned.

What Can We Do?

As technology continues to evolve, more and more diagnostic reagents and treatments have become available for Wilson's disease, bringing benefits to patients with Wilson's disease. But there is no end to innovation. We are constantly striving to develop more accurate and sensitive diagnostic methods, as well as more effective treatments.

Drug development offers new hope for patients suffering from Wilson's disease. There is much room for improvement in all existing treatments, so we are committed to exploring new treatments through advanced science and expertise. We are focused on developing new treatments for Wilson's disease from three perspectives: cell therapy, gene therapy, and targeted drug development. For other aspects of therapies, we also offer comprehensive and high-quality services.

  • Cell Therapy Development for Wilson's Disease
  • Gene Therapy Development for Wilson's Disease
  • Targeted Drug Development for Wilson's Disease

Timely and accurate diagnosis is critical for Wilson's disease patients, meaning they can rely on a simple way to initially diagnose the disease and receive timely treatment, while greatly reducing the burden on hospitals. We have extensive hands-on experience in diagnostic technology development.
Based on the characteristics of Wilson's disease, including Cu accumulation, brain lesions, and other aspects, we are committed to developing more sensitive and accurate diagnostic techniques. Our diagnostic services are mainly from 3 perspectives: Cu level-based diagnosis, neuroimaging-based diagnosis, and diagnosis targeting ATP7B gene sequencing. In addition, we also provide other aspects of diagnostic services to meet the needs of different research projects.

  • Diagnostic Technology Development Based on Cu Level
  • Neuroimaging-Based diagnostic Technology Development
  • Gene Sequencing-Based Diagnostic Technology Development

Scientists at Ace Therapeutics have a wealth of hands-on experience in the field of liver disease. We have summarized and refined our past experience to develop unique research methods and techniques. Our scientists provide the most professional and appropriate research services according to the characteristics of each research project to ensure the accuracy and scientific validity of your research. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Lorincz, M. T. Neurologic Wilson's disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2010. 1184: p. 173-187.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.