Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development Services Targeting the Pathogenesis of Liver Diseases
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Drug Development Services Targeting the Pathogenesis of Liver Diseases


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of liver disease drug development. Based on our professional scientists and rich practical experience, we aim to provide you with the most professional and best quality liver disease drug development services.

Introduction to the Pathogenesis of Liver Diseases

The development of liver disease always involves different physiological and pathological processes, such as oxidative stress, inflammation, immune response, lipid metabolism, and other processes. These physiological processes interact with liver disease. Also, these physiological processes interact with each other, which in turn affects the course of liver disease development.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the pathogenesis of NAFL/NASH.Figure 1. The pathogenesis of NAFL/NASH. (Xu X., et al. 2024)

What Can We Do?

By modulating targets or specific mechanisms in specific physiological processes in liver disease, we can effectively influence the pathological process of liver disease and thus achieve therapeutic effects. Therefore, we provide comprehensive drug development services for different physiological processes in liver diseases.

Oxidative stress causes liver damage and promotes liver disease during its progression, and effective control of oxidative stress is essential for the treatment of liver disease.

  • We have a large library of compounds that can be used for high-throughput screening of drug candidates.
  • For different liver diseases and types of liver injury, we develop drug candidate screening programs exclusively for you.
  • For the efficacy of drug candidates for the treatment of liver disease, we offer a full range of preclinical drug evaluation protocols.

Liver disease and inflammation interact with each other, leading to the worsening of liver disease. Effective control of inflammation is an important way to treat liver disease.

  • We provide drug development services that target inflammatory pathways in liver disease.
  • We provide drug development services targeting inflammatory vesicles in liver disease.
  • Our scientists will provide you with customized scientific preclinical drug evaluation services.

The immune response has been a popular target for the treatment of liver disease.

  • We offer drug development services targeting the immune response in the intestinal tract in liver disease.
  • We provide drug development services targeting the immune response in the liver for liver disease.

The liver is an important organ for lipid metabolism. And abnormal metabolism of lipids will react in the liver.

  • We provide drug development services for liver disease target PPAR.
  • We provide drug development services for liver disease targeting FXR.

Aging increases the incidence of chronic liver disease while worsening the prognosis.

  • We offer probiotic development services targeting aging for liver disease.
  • We offer senolytics development services for the treatment of liver disease.

Liver fibrosis is a key step in the progression of various chronic liver diseases to cirrhosis. Effective control of liver fibrosis is an important way to control the progression of liver disease pathology.

  • We provide anti-fibrotic drug development targeted hepatocyte protection services.
  • We provide HSC activity inhibitor development for liver disease services.

Why Choose Us

We have a comprehensive range of drug development technologies and platforms and can provide you with customized drug development services.

  • Professional Technical Team
  • Advanced Drug Development Platform
  • Perfect Pre-clinical Drug Testing Platform

Ace Therapeutics can provide high-quality data and a fast turnaround time to support liver drug development targeting physiological processes. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Xu X., et al. Targeted therapeutics and novel signaling pathways in non-alcohol-associated fatty liver/steatohepatitis (NAFL/NASH). Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2022, 7(1):287.

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