Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Oxidative Stress
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Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Oxidative Stress


Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Oxidative Stress

Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of drug development for liver diseases. We aim to promote progress in the field of liver disease drug development through our expertise and extensive experience.

Oxidative stress plays an important role in various liver diseases, especially chronic liver diseases. It can effectively regulate the pathological development of liver diseases in order to treat them. Our scientists have established a comprehensive service system in the field of developing liver disease drugs for oxidative stress, and we can provide you with scientific assistance and services in a scientific and efficient manner.

What Can We Do?

We provide comprehensive drug development services for the different roles of antioxidants in liver diseases. Our services are strongly tailored to meet the research needs of our diverse clients.

  • Screening of Antioxidants for Liver Disease Treatment

Screening of antioxidants with therapeutic potential for liver disease is the first step in developing antioxidant-based drugs for liver disease. Our scientists will develop a screening protocol exclusive to you based on specific experiments and protocols to increase the chances of success.

  • We have a large library of antioxidants and can provide you with efficient and rapid antioxidant screening services based on our high-throughput compound screening platform.
  • We have different types of in vitro models of liver disease for the primary screening of candidate antioxidants.
  • Antioxidants Development for Different Types of Liver Diseases

Oxidative stress is prevalent in different types of liver diseases, and we provide antioxidant screening services in different directions for the types of oxidative stress commonly found in different liver diseases.

  • For oxidative stress caused by the hepatitis virus infection, we will screen for antioxidants that can effectively reduce iron levels and inhibit antioxidant stress proteins, and other effects.
  • For oxidative stress caused by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, we will screen for antioxidants that can effectively inhibit lipid peroxidation and free radical accumulation.
  • For oxidative stress caused by hepatocellular carcinoma, we will screen for antioxidants that inhibit oxidative DNA damage and markers of oxidative stress.
  • For oxidative stress caused by hepatic encephalopathy, we will screen for antioxidants that reduce ammonia levels and excitotoxicity.
  • For oxidative stress caused by drug toxicity, we will screen for antioxidants that inhibit lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage and restore mitochondrial function.
  • Antioxidants Development for Different Damages in Liver Diseases

There are many types of oxidative stress, and different types of oxidative stress occur in different pathological conditions. In view of this, our service aims to develop drugs for the treatment of liver diseases by modulating oxidative stress processes.

  • For mitochondrial-mediated oxidative stress, we will screen for antioxidants that inhibit mitochondrial ROS production and improve mitochondrial function. Meanwhile, we will screen antioxidants that target signaling pathways related to mitochondrial function to inhibit mitochondrial-mediated oxidative stress through multiple perspectives.
  • For lipid peroxidation-mediated oxidative stress, we will screen for antioxidants that inhibit fatty acid production, free radical accumulation, and other activities.
  • For endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced oxidative stress, we will screen for antioxidants that inhibit the accumulation of reactive oxygen species.

Ace Therapeutics has a comprehensive drug evaluation system, which can provide a full range of activity evaluation and drugability assessment services for drug candidates. With our rich experience, we are committed to providing you with the most scientific drug development services. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.