Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Aging
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Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Aging


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of drug development for liver diseases. We aim to provide the most comprehensive service to liver disease drug developers worldwide.

Currently, population aging is a worldwide trend. And many diseases such as liver disease are more prevalent in the elderly, so it is important to treat diseases including liver disease by controlling aging. We have extensive research experience in the field of liver disease. Based on our advanced research platform and professional scientists, we aim to provide you with comprehensive and scientific drug development services for liver diseases.

Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Aging

What Can We Do?

Based on our extensive drug development experience and specialized technology platform, we aim to provide comprehensive drug development services to liver disease researchers in order to promote research progress in the field of liver disease drug development.

  • Probiotic Development for Targeted Aging for Liver Disease

As we age, the intestinal flora changes accordingly and thus affects the body's inflammatory response, immune response, and other processes. Therefore, we screen probiotics that can target aging to treat liver disease and then develop drugs for liver disease.

  • Analyze intestinal flora with high-throughput techniques

We will detect and analyze the intestinal flora of different populations by 16s rRNA gene sequencing, 18S rDNA/ITS amplicon, metagenomics sequencing, metabolomics, and other technologies to screen for beneficial flora.

  • Probiotic formulations screening

We will screen probiotic formulations based on the analysis results and further evaluate their liver disease therapeutic effects to identify suitable candidate probiotics for liver disease.

  • Therapeutic effect evaluation of the formulation

We will assess the effect of candidate formulations on immune function in liver disease by testing hepatocyte activity, immune cell activity, and number.

  • Senolytics Development for the Treatment of Liver Disease

Senescent cells may have pro-inflammatory, pro-apoptotic, and tissue-damaging effects that can promote the pathological process of liver disease. By developing senescent cell scavengers, we can target the removal of senescent cells and thus alleviate the progression of liver disease.

  • Senescent cell scavengers screening

Based on our very large compound library, we can screen a wide range of senescent cell scavengers with different high throughput techniques.

  • Therapeutic effect evaluation of senescent cell scavengers

We will perform a preliminary activity evaluation of candidate senescent cell scavengers through in vitro assays to assess their therapeutic effects on liver disease.

We will further evaluate the candidate agents for their ability to repair inflammation during liver disease, immune enhancing ability, and other effects.

Ace Therapeutics has a team of professionals in the field of liver disease drug development. We have extensive hands-on experience in the field of targeted aging development of liver disease drugs. We can provide high-quality data and a fast turnaround time to support the targeted aging development of liver disease drugs. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.