Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Inflammation
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Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Inflammation


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of liver disease drug development. We aim to provide the most professional and scientific assistance and support to researchers in the development of drugs for liver disease.

Introduction to Inflammation in Liver Disease

Liver inflammation is a prerequisite for the development of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. It plays a promoting role in the progression of liver disease. Therefore, effective control of inflammation in liver disease is an important target for the treatment of liver disease.

Figure 1. Mechanisms of hepatocyte metabolism and signaling.Figure 1. The inflammatory cascade in liver disease. (Tacke F., et al. 2023)

What Can We Do?

Given that inflammation is present in almost all liver disease processes, we offer quality drug development services for inflammation in liver disease processes.

  • Drug Development Targeting Inflammatory Pathways for Liver Disease

Inflammatory pathways play an important regulatory role in liver disease. Therefore, we offer comprehensive drug development services targeting inflammatory pathways.

  • We will perform high throughput screening of inflammatory signaling pathways closely related to liver disease by gene microarray technology and protein microarray technology.
  • Based on our large compound library, we will perform high throughput compound screening against candidate inflammatory signaling pathways to screen for candidate anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • For classical inflammatory pathways such as NF-κB and TNF, we will combine known classical inflammatory pathway inhibitors with the extensive screening of potential drug candidates to increase the chance of successful screening.
  • For liver injury phenomena such as inflammation on liver regeneration and hepatocyte death, we will provide corresponding in vitro and in vivo models to evaluate the therapeutic effects of drug candidates on liver injury and also explore their mechanisms of action.
  • Drug Development Targeting Inflammasome for Liver Disease

Inflammasomes are the initiators of inflammation and bridge natural and acquired immunity. Therefore, inflammasomes are an important direction for targeting inflammation research. In view of this, we provide comprehensive liver disease drug development services to target inflammasomes.

  • We will screen for inflammasome inhibitors that can effectively inhibit inflammatory responses and mitochondrial damage and thereby treat liver disease from both inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways.
  • We will screen for inflammasome inhibitors that can lower cholesterol levels and thereby modulate hepatic lipid metabolism.
  • Given that inflammasomes are key molecules in the induction of pyroptosis, we will screen inflammasome-based inhibitors of pyroptosis for the treatment of liver disease.
  • Preclinical Pharmacology Evaluation Services for Liver Disease

We have comprehensive science and technology and advanced technical equipment to provide comprehensive preclinical pharmacological evaluation services to our clients. In the field of developing drugs for liver diseases in response to inflammation, we provide comprehensive services including but not limited to

  • We have solutions for the establishment of inflammation models for different liver diseases.

We provide customized in vitro models for the preliminary characterization of the therapeutic activity of drug candidates for liver diseases.

We provide in vivo models of different liver diseases for in-depth activity evaluation and mechanistic studies of drug candidates.

  • We have a comprehensive drug activity evaluation platform for liver diseases.

We provide a comprehensive workflow of drug evaluation services for liver diseases, including but not limited to activity evaluation for the treatment of liver diseases, drug formulation preparation services, pharmacokinetic study services, and drug safety evaluation services.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive hands-on experience in the field of drug development for liver disease. Our scientists will combine the characteristics of inflammation in liver disease with your research needs to provide you with the most scientific and high-quality drug development service solutions. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Tacke F., et al. An integrated view of anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic targets for the treatment of NASH. J Hepatol. 2023, 79(2):552-566.

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