Ace Therapeutics
Custom Hepatitis A Virus Infection Models
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Custom Hepatitis A Virus Infection Models


Ace Therapeutics is dedicated to providing the best experimental models for liver disease researchers worldwide. Our professional team will customize the most suitable experimental model for you according to your experimental needs.

Research on the pathogenesis of the hepatitis A virus has been hampered by the lack of available relevant animal models. Based on our rich research experience and well-established model-building system, we aim to provide the most scientific and suitable animal models of hepatitis A to help your research.

Experimental Models for Hepatitis A Virus Infection

What Can We Do?

Experimental models are essential tools for the study of hepatitis A virus. However, due to the species specificity of this virus, the effective experimental models are very limited. Based on our technological platform, we provide you with the best experimental models.

  • Mouse Models of Hepatitis A Virus Infection

Mice are the most commonly used animal models to understand the mechanism of viral infection. However, mice are not natural hosts for the hepatitis A virus. Thus, establishing infection in the mouse liver has been a major obstacle in developing mouse models of hepatitis. We have overcome this obstacle using existing technology and have successfully established a model of hepatitis A virus infection to support the study of the hepatitis A virus.

  • We can establish a model of hepatitis A virus infection using recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors.
  • We can establish SCID/Alb-uPA mouse models with chimeric livers secondary to human hepatocyte implantation.
  • We can establish genetically "humanized" mice that are more sensitive to hepatitis A virus infection.
  • We can establish Ifnar1−/− mice that lack IFN-α/β receptor expression.
  • We can build Alb-uPA/SCID beige mice with chimeric human livers.
  • Nonhuman Primate Models of Hepatitis A Virus Infection

The hepatitis A virus has been studied more in non-human primates. Therefore, we provide comprehensive establishment services for models of Hepatitis A virus infection in non-human primates.

  • We provide different non-human primates to support different studies including but not limited to chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, cynomolgus macaques, African green monkeys, marmosets, tamarins, and owl monkeys.
  • We provide comprehensive assay equipment and techniques for different non-human primates to support a comprehensive evaluation of the studies.
  • In Vitro Models for Hepatitis A Virus Infection

Given the poor ability of the hepatitis A virus to replicate in mammalian cell lines, we provide human embryonic lung cells and other cells for in vitro culture. However, the virus proliferates slowly in in vitro culture, releasing almost no viral particles, and intracellular hepatitis A virus antigen is detected by immunofluorescent staining.

Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive technical services to support the construction of hepatitis A virus models. We understand the difficulties of building hepatitis A virus models and are therefore deeply committed to the field of hepatitis A virus models. We are constantly working to provide the most appropriate models for liver disease researchers worldwide. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Hirai-Yuki, A., et al., Murine models of hepatitis a virus infection. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med, 2019. 9(1).

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.