Ace Therapeutics
Alcoholic Liver Disease Research Services
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Alcoholic Liver Disease Research Services


Ace Therapeutics aims to provide the best research service experience for liver disease researchers worldwide. Based on our extensive experience and technology platform, we are confident that we can ensure the smooth and rapid completion of your study.

Alcoholic liver disease is the second leading cause of death worldwide, yet the level of related research is not intensive. Based on our extensive research experience, we provide comprehensive research services for alcoholic liver disease, starting from the areas of diagnosis, experimental modeling, basic research, and drug development. We hope to facilitate the smooth conduct of your research through our scientific and efficient services.

Alcoholic Liver Disease Research Services

What Can We Do?

We have extensive hands-on experience in the field of alcoholic hepatitis research. Our scientists have built a comprehensive service system in the fields of diagnostic technology development, experimental model construction, basic research services and drug development.

Sensitive early diagnostic techniques help in the detection and control of alcoholic liver disease. Based on our well-established and advanced assay technology and algorithmic platform, we are able to screen for highly specific biomarkers quickly and efficiently. At the same time, our experience can help you quickly and effectively combine biomarkers to develop diagnostic technologies.

Experimental models are important tools for the study of alcoholic liver disease. Our modeling services cover in vitro and in vivo alcoholic liver disease models to meet the needs of different studies. In addition, we can also customize special experimental models for you, such as providing liver-on-a-chip models and humanized rodent models of alcoholic liver disease.

Prolonged and excessive alcohol exposure can adversely affect liver metabolism, intestinal mucosa, and microbial composition, but related studies are unclear and not in-depth. Accordingly, we offer a comprehensive service to explore the pathological mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease, ranging from direct damage to the liver by ethanol and its metabolites, the inflammatory immune response to alcoholic liver disease, to the effects of alcoholic liver disease on the intestinal tract.

The current treatment for alcoholic liver disease is mainly focused on controlling alcohol intake, and no other effective treatment options are available. Our scientists screen a wide range of potential drug targets based on our advanced technology platform. We provide comprehensive drug development services for effective drug targets. We have a comprehensive drug development system and antibody production platform for alcoholic liver disease, which can meet different research needs.

Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of alcoholic liver disease. Our scientists have been deeply involved in alcoholic liver disease for over a decade and have a wealth of knowledge and experience. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.