Ace Therapeutics
Diagnostic Technology Development Services for Alcoholic Liver Disease
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Diagnostic Technology Development Services for Alcoholic Liver Disease


Ace Therapeutics has extensive hands-on experience in the development of diagnostic technology for liver disease. We aim to help you develop the most scientific and sensitive diagnostic technology for alcoholic liver disease.

Alcoholic liver disease is a major cause of cirrhosis and liver failure. If diagnosed in the early stages of alcoholic liver disease, the progression of the disease can be effectively halted. Our scientists have developed a comprehensive service system that can help you efficiently and scientifically develop early diagnostic techniques for alcoholic liver disease.

Diagnostic Technology Development Services for Alcoholic Liver Disease

What Can We Do?

Early diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease is an important step in the treatment of alcoholic liver disease, enabling timely detection of the disease and preventing its progression. We offer a comprehensive research service for the development of diagnostic techniques for alcoholic liver disease, with the aim of developing highly specific diagnostic techniques from a variety of perspectives.

  • Screening for Specific Biomarkers of Alcoholic Liver Disease

Screening for highly specific biomarkers is an important prerequisite for the development of diagnostic techniques for alcoholic liver disease. Therefore, we will offer different services to screen and validate specific biomarkers for alcoholic liver disease.

  • We will perform an extensive screening of the pathological process of alcoholic liver disease to identify high-specificity biomarkers by combined gene microarray, protein microarray, and multi-omics techniques.
  • We will perform immunoassays for relevant physiological indicators.
  • We will perform functional enrichment analysis of differential metabolites, metabolite mechanistic studies, and others.
  • We will perform differential protein functional enrichment analysis, protein mechanistic studies, and others.
  • We will build suitable algorithms to screen for obvious differential metabolites and proteins for biomarker screening.
  • Development of Diagnostic Techniques for Alcoholic Liver Disease

Our scientists will further integrate and analyze candidate biomarkers to develop appropriate diagnostic technologies based on specific research requirements.

  • We will build scientific algorithms to analyze candidate biomarkers in a comprehensive manner.
  • We will construct suitable experimental models of liver disease and also provide different physiological indicators to validate the specificity of the biomarkers.
  • We will screen and organically combine biomarkers to improve the diagnostic sensitivity of alcoholic liver disease.

Ace Therapeutics is a specialist in the development of diagnostic technologies for liver disease. With our extensive research experience, we help researchers to develop diagnostic products in an efficient and scientific manner. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.