Transwell Models

Transwell Models

Transwell models are widely used to screen new CNS drug candidates to study BBB permeability and explain how the BBB is regulated. As a supplier of high-quality research tools in the field of stroke, Ace Therapeutics scientists are committed to providing researchers with stable and reliable Transwell models products to promote research and development in the field of neuroscience. In addition, we offer a variety of inserts as well as cell lines for constructing Transwell models to support your research needs.

Our Transwell models product is an experimental model used to study blood-brain barrier permeability and understand blood-brain barrier regulatory mechanisms. These models are based on the Transwell cell culture system and simulate the physiological and structural properties of the blood-brain barrier.

Transwell Models Introduction

Transwell models usually consist of two connected indoor culture chambers separated by a layer of cells or cell culture scaffolds. The upper chamber simulates the lumen of cerebral blood vessels, and the lower chamber simulates brain tissue. The porous membrane allows for the diffusion of nutrients, small molecules, and drugs between the upper and lower chambers, mimicking the transport processes that occur across the blood-brain barrier in vivo. Researchers can add blood-brain barrier cell types, such as brain capillary endothelial cells (BMECs), to the upper chamber to mimic the construction of the blood-brain barrier.

Schematic representation of the Transwell models.Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the Transwell models. (Stone NL, et al., 2019)

You can use Transwell models to investigate the mechanisms that regulate blood-brain barrier permeability, such as tight junction proteins, efflux transporters, and endocytosis pathways, and to understand how different factors, such as diseases or drug treatments, affect BBB function via manipulating these mechanisms.

  1. Stone NL, England TJ, O'Sullivan SE. A Novel Transwell Blood Brain Barrier Model Using Primary Human Cells. Front Cell Neurosci. 2019, 13:230.
Cat.# Name Description Price
BBM-M-001 Human Blood-Brain Barrier Model
Human Blood-Brain Barrier Model from Ace Therapeutics is developed by culturing brain endothelial cells with pericytes and astrocytes layered in an insert. The model mimics transport properties of the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) due to the formation of tight junctions, higher expression of specific carriers, or great cell viability. Compared with the monoculture model, our 3D in vivo model of the BBB can truly mimic the BBB by enhancing the polarization of endothelial cells, facilitating the formation of tight junctions, promoting essential endothelial cell-to-cell contact for barrier development, and preventing the dilution of secreted neurotrophic factors.
BBM-M-002 Human Blood-Brain Barrier Modeling Kit
Human Blood-Brain Barrier Modeling Kit from Ace Therapeutics co-cultures endothelial cells, pericytes, and astrocytes in a collagen I matrix with a defined serum-free medium to replicate intercellular interactions at the BBB. Our Models come with media, and you can also order additional media. We provide a series of 3D BBB model culture substrates, such as collagens and hydrogels, for you.
BBM-M-003 3D Human Blood-Brain Barrier Modeling Kit with HBMEC
3D Human Blood-Brain Barrier Modeling Kit with HBMEC from Ace Therapeutics is developed by culturing human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC), brain vascular pericytes, and astrocytes at a 1:1:1 ratio. Our Models come with media, and you can also order additional media. We provide a series of 3D BBB model culture substrates, such as collagens and hydrogels, for you.
All of our products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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