Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder


Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder can lead to severe anxiety, self-consciousness, and embarrassment in everyday interactions. Social anxiety disorder creates fear and anxiety that can lead to avoidance, which can disrupt your life. In addition, other anxiety disorders and certain other mental illnesses (especially major depressive disorder and substance abuse problems) often occur in conjunction with social anxiety disorder. If left untreated, social anxiety disorder can affect your life. The specific treatment depends on how much social anxiety disorder affects the person's ability to get along with people in their daily lives. The most common approaches to treating social anxiety disorder include psychotherapy or medication, or a combination of both.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Current Status of Research on Anti-social Anxiety Drugs

Anti-social anxiety medications have been studied for many years, but to date there is no perfect medication option. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are often the medication of choice for the treatment of persistent social anxiety symptoms. 5-hydroxytryptamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are also options for the treatment of social anxiety disorders. Benzodiazepines may have a calming effect on anxiety symptoms. beta-receptor antagonists may reduce the body's anxiety response. However, these drugs have greater side effects, such as insomnia, sexual dysfunction, and headache, and do not completely cure social phobia. Therefore, medication should be combined with comprehensive treatment methods such as psychotherapy to receive better results.

Key Targets for Anti-anxiety Drug Development

  • GABA-A receptor
  • SERT
  • DRDs
  • D2 receptor
  • HT1A receptor
  • ADRA2
  • NET
  • MAO-A
  • MTNR1A

How Can We Help?

Ace Therapeutics' preclinical drug development for antisocial anxiety disorder includes the following

  • Candidate Screening: We can help you screen candidate compounds with potential anti-social anxiety disorder activity from a large number of compounds or natural products through chemical synthesis, natural products from screening or computer simulation.
  • In vitro evaluation: We can perform in vitro testing of screened candidate compounds to evaluate their efficacy and toxicity in cellular models.
  • Animal model evaluation: We can evaluate the efficacy of candidate compounds in animal models by behavioral analysis, imaging analysis, and histological analysis.
  • Pharmacokinetic (PK) studies: We can evaluate the pharmacokinetic characteristics of candidate compounds in animals such as mice, rats and dogs, such as absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
  • Safety assessment: We can evaluate the safety of candidate compounds at different doses to assess their toxicity and side effects on the organism.

Related Services

Ace Therapeutics can provide chemical synthesis, analysis, toxicological evaluation, and all preclinical studies for antipsychotic drugs. These services are designed to help you provide comprehensive technical support, reduce development costs, and shorten development time during the development of new drugs. If you are interested in our services, please make an inquiry to learn how we can support you in your project.

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