Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Cells
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Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Cells


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of drug development for liver disease. Our scientists will provide you with comprehensive drug development services and support.

The cell is the basic unit of life activity. It has been proven that by regulating the life activities of some cells in the process of liver disease, the physiological and pathological processes of liver disease can be effectively regulated to alleviate liver damage. We provide comprehensive drug development services for some cells with specific activity in the liver disease process.

Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Cells

What Can We Do?

Based on our advanced research platform and professional technical team, we provide comprehensive drug development services for different cells in the liver disease process and their pathological processes. We hope to facilitate the smooth conduct of your research through our comprehensive research.

Based on the multiple activities of macrophages, the use of macrophages as targets for the development of drugs to treat liver diseases is a very promising research direction.

  • We provide drug development services targeting macrophage polarization in liver diseases.
  • We provide drug development services targeting macrophage-mediated inflammatory and immune responses in liver diseases.

Hepatic stellate cells play an important role in the regulation of liver regenerative capacity, angiogenesis, inflammation, oxidative stress, and other processes, which leads to a new direction in drug development for liver diseases.

  • We provide drug development services targeting the role of stellate cells in liver regeneration in liver disease.
  • We offer drug development services targeting the stellate cell-mediated immune response in liver disease.

Different cells play their respective roles in the regulation of various physiological and pathological conditions in liver disease, which provides a potential avenue for the development of drugs to treat liver disease.

  • We have a large library of compounds that can be used for high-throughput screening of drug candidates.
  • We offer a variety of methods to assess cell death, such as morphological assays, DNA monitoring analysis, flow cytometry, and biomarker assays.
  • For the efficacy of drug candidates for the treatment of liver disease, we offer a full range of preclinical drug evaluation protocols.

Ace Therapeutics has a dedicated team in the development of cell-based drugs for liver disease. We have the practical experience to provide you with high-quality data and fast turnaround times to support the development of liver disease therapeutics. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.