
Join Us

Ace Therapeutics is one of the world's leading CROs dedicated to serving clients from the life science field through our global operation networks. We focus on pathological research and therapy development service of diabetes. We employ top talents to support our growing business and focus on providing our employees with a fulfilled and rewarding work life, a whole set of essential work skills and beyond, and supporting their personal aspirations.

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Current Job Opportunities


Sales Manager

  • Long-term Recruiting
  • Identifying and nurturing opportunities to promote the sales
Standardized Procedures

Project Manager

  • Long-term Recruiting
  • Leading the team members to complete the contract research
One-stop Services

Biotechnology Specialist

  • Long-term Recruiting
  • Designing scientific experiments and building bio-technique platforms for diabetes research
Professional Team

Principal Scientist

  • Long-term Recruiting
  • Designing and evaluating therapy development strategies, working collaboratively across research functions
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