Heart Failure Research and Drug Development Services
Therapeutic Areas
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* Please note that all of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

Heart Failure Research and Drug Development Services


Heart failure is a clinical syndrome characterized by structural and functional changes due to a variety of causes, culminating in myocardial contractile dysfunction and decreased cardiac output. Ace Therapeutics provides integrated basic heart failure research and drug development services to help clients further explore the pathogenesis of heart failure and novel therapeutic approaches.

Pathogenesis of Heart Failure

Heart failure, a circulatory system syndrome caused by impairment of the heart's systolic or diastolic function, resulting in blood stagnation in the venous system and blood inadequate perfusion in the arterial system. Heart failure can be caused by almost all types of heart and macrovascular disease. The triggers for heart failure are usually due to an increased load on the heart, such as lung infections and overexertion.

  • Abnormalities in Blood Supply
    When the heart is not functioning properly and compensating to a certain degree, there will be a decrease in cardiac output and stasis in the venous system.
  • Neurohumoral Regulation
    When cardiac output is inadequate or ventricular end-diastolic pressure is elevated, the body compensates by initiating a series of neurohumoral mechanisms. However, this compensatory regulation leads to a further increase in cardiac load, which impairs cardiac function.
  • Myocardial Hypertrophy/Myocardial Remodeling
    When primary myocardial injury results in a decrease in cardiac output, the myocardium compensates by hypertrophying. However, as the disease progresses, the diastolic function of the myocardium diminishes, leading to inadequate myocardial energy supply and ultimately irreversible myocardial damage.

Fig. 1 Quality of life with acute heart failure.Fig. 1 Quality of life with acute heart failure. (Arrigo M, et al., 2020)

Current Status of Drug Development for Heart Failure

The principle of drug therapy for heart failure is to relieve symptoms and improve prognosis, and the current therapeutic drugs include renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, receptor blockers, aldosterone receptor antagonists, and SGLT-2 inhibitors. In addition, some new drug therapies, such as oligonucleotide therapy, have been widely used in the research of drugs for heart failure.

Overview of Novel Drugs for Heart Failure

Drug Name Drug Targets Original Organization Drug Phase
Tolvaptan Sodium Phosphate AVPR2 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Approved
Vericiguat sGC Bayer AG Approved
Ertugliflozin SGLT-2 Pfizer Inc. Approved
Sotatercept ACVR2A/Activin Receptor Acceleron Pharma, Inc. NDA
Adrecizumab Adrenomedullin AdrenoMed AG Phase 3
Ivabradine extended release HCN channels Abbott Laboratories Phase 3
Recombinant human neuregulin-1 NRG1 Zensun (Shanghai) Sci & Tech Co., Ltd. Phase 3
IONIS-AGT-LRx AGT Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Phase 2
JVS-100 CXCR4 Cleveland Clinic Phase 2
NAN-101 DUSP1 Asklepios BioPharmaceutical, Inc. Phase 2
What We Can Do

Ace Therapeutics is committed to supporting basic research and development of novel therapeutic approaches for heart failure by providing outsourced research services for disease model development and related research technology platforms.

Research Models

Research Models

Basic Research

Basic Research

Drug Development

Drug Development

Research Models for Heart Failure

There are many types of heart failure, and the pathogenesis of different types of heart failure is different and particularly complex. We deeply understand the importance of research models for heart failure research, and therefore we are committed to providing customized research model development services for our clients.

Custom Animal Model Development Services

Animal models of heart failure have been established by various methods, such as surgical induction, drug induction, or dietary induction. The changes and characteristics of heart function in various animal models of heart failure are also different. We are able to recommend and customize the construction of appropriate animal models of heart failure according to the needs of our clients' individual studies.

Transgenic Animal Model Development Services

With the intensive research on heart failure, more and more genes have been reported to be closely associated with the development of heart failure. We can provide our clients with the construction service of transgenic or knockout animal models of heart failure, including but not limited to the following genes.

  • MYH7
  • MYBPC3
  • TNNT2
  • TNNI3
  • MYL2
  • MYL3
  • TPM1
  • ACTC1

Genetically Engineered Mouse Models

We can provide the following high quality genetically engineered mice for myocardial heart failure.


For in vitro research experiments on heart failure mechanisms, we can provide our customers with various types of cell lines for research to support the construction of in vitro cell injury models.

  • Cardiomyocyte Cell Lines
  • hiPSC-CMs Development Services

Basic Research Services for Heart Failure

Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome and the common end result of many heart diseases. Based on our complete multi-omics research technology platform as well as our pathology and imaging technology platform, we can help our clients deeply investigate the pathogenesis of heart failure, identify novel biomarkers of heart failure, and evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic agents.

Novel Biomarkers Discovery Services

In recent years, a variety of biomarkers reflecting heart failure have been identified and reported in studies, and these biomarkers provide strong support for the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of heart failure. Based on our multi-omics research platform, we can help our clients discover and characterize novel biomarkers for heart failure.

  • Proteomic Profiling Services
  • Metabolomic Profiling Services

Pathology and Imaging Services

For animal research of heart failure, we can provide researchers with pathology and imaging services that enable intuitive model validation and efficacy assessment, including but not limited to:

  • Histopathology Services
  • Immunohistochemistry Services
  • Ultra-micro histological Study Services
  • Electrocardiography Examination Services
  • Echocardiogram Examination Services
  • Computed Tomography Services

Drug Development Services for Heart Failure

In recent years, more and more therapies have been applied to the research and development of heart failure drugs, which provide a new direction for the therapy of heart failure. We can provide research and development services for heart failure drugs, including but not limited to the following drug types and targets:

R&D Services by Drug Type

R&D Services by Target

  • Phosphodiesterase 3 (PED3)
  • Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)
  • Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1R/AGTR1)
  • Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 2 (AVPR2)
  • Cardiac Myosin (CM)
  • Natriuretic Peptide Receptor (NPR)

Ace Therapeutics provides our customers with basic research, biomarker development, and novel therapy discovery services based on decades of experience in the field of heart failure. If you are interested in our research services for heart failure, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. Arrigo, M.; et al. Acute heart failure. Nature Reviews Disease Primers. 2020, 6(1):16.
! All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be intended for any clinical use.
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