JC-1 (AC135)

Cat.#: ASSD-135




Description JC-1 is a Mitochondrial membrane potential indicator/dye that is widely used in apoptosis studies to monitor mitochondrial health. The product is used as an indicator of mitochondrial membrane potential in neurons and also intact tissues and isolated mitochondria, allowing both qualitative visualization and quantitative detection.

Interpretation of Results

• At low concentrations (due to low mitochondrial membrane potential), JC-1 is predominantly a monomer that yields green fluorescence with emission of 530±15 nm.
• At high concentrations (due to high mitochondrial membrane potential), the dye aggregates yielding a red to orange colored emission (590±17.5 nm).

Depolarization is indicated by a decrease the aggregate fluorescent count and hyperpolarization is indicated by an increase.
Size 5 mg
Chemical Name 5,5',6,6'-Tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide
Molecule Weight 652.2
Molecular formula C25H27Cl4IN4
Purity >95%
Storage Store at -20° C
Shipping Shipped at 4°C
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