Blood-Brain Barrier Shuttle Peptide Development for Stroke
Brain delivery is one of the major challenges in stroke drug development due to the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). However, the blood-brain barrier can protect the brain and allow nutrients to enter through a variety of mechanisms. These mechanisms provide an attractive avenue for the treatment of stroke. Peptide shuttles can utilize these mechanisms to increase the transport of compounds that cannot cross the BBB independently. In recent years, peptide shuttle proteins have received increasing attention due to their lower cost, lower immunogenicity, and greater chemical versatility than traditional antibodies and other proteins.
Fig. 1. Sources of BBB-shuttle peptides. (Oller-Salvia et al., 2016)
Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive BBB-shuttle peptide development services. Our team of expert peptide chemists and bioengineers apply our extensive knowledge of peptide structure-activity relationships to find BBB-shuttle peptides that enhance the translocation of stroke drugs.
We offer comprehensive preclinical evaluation services to help clients analyze the ability of BBB-Shuttle peptides to transport stroke drugs across the BBB and into the brain parenchyma, which is critical for the development of effective CNS-targeted therapies.
Ace Therapeutics is your trusted partner, provides comprehensive services for the development of BBB-shuttle peptides for the treatment of stroke. If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Ace Therapeutics is a global leading provider of stroke research services. We are committed to accelerating progress in stroke research and drug development.