Retinal Proteomics Analysis in Glaucoma

Retinal Proteomics Analysis in Glaucoma

Neurodegenerative changes in the internal retina are a pathological feature of glaucoma. Advancing proteomics technologies allow large-scale analysis of the structure, function and interactions of proteins in retinal tissue. Exploring the retinal proteome can provide insight into proteomic alterations and the underlying pathological mechanisms of glaucoma.

Ace Therapeutics provides retinal proteomics research services in glaucoma models to assist researchers in studying the changes in retinal protein expression in glaucoma. We are dedicated to identifying biomarkers and key drivers in the pathogenesis of glaucoma and even suggesting candidate molecules for diagnosis and treatment.

Services for Retinal Proteomics Analysis in Glaucoma

Our systems analysis service for retinal proteins is essential to better understand the underlying pathogenesis of glaucoma. This specifically includes quantitative proteomics, bioinformatics and other analyses applied for different research purposes.

  • Analysis of changes in retinal protein expression

We can construct different glaucoma models depending on the purpose of your study. We collect retinal tissue from control and specific glaucoma samples, analyze protein expression changes using a multiplex quantitative proteomics approach, and perform immunofluorescence on selected protein markers for data validation.

  • Glaucoma biomarker discovery

Throughout the process of inducing glaucoma models, we investigate retinal tissues using multiple experimental approaches. We extract proteins from retinal tissues for proteomic measurements, measure to identify potential key proteins and markers with the aid of bioinformatics.

  • Retinal protein analysis of glaucoma associated with other diseases

Glaucoma is associated with a number of common diseases. For example, glaucoma and the immune system, glaucoma and aging. We provide association proteomic analysis to discover and identify associated proteins and analyze their role and function. Helping scientists to explore whether there are common mechanisms between glaucoma and age-related degenerative diseases and the immune system, as well as potentially providing new targets for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

Analysis Methods

  • In vivo study. Construct animal models of glaucoma, including various ways of inducing it. And all procedures regarding animals were performed in compliance with relevant guidelines and regulations.
  • MS analysis. Mainly MS-based proteomic analysis of retinal tissues, including performing relevant sample preparation such as protein digestion, labeling, hierarchical separation and performing quantitative proteomic analysis.
  • Bioinformatics analysis. Analyze the obtained mass spectrometry data and perform quantifiable protein-based gene set enrichment analysis to elucidate the synthesis of intergroup pathways, generating results such as protein interaction networks, biological pathways and protein clusters.
  • Immunological analysis. Perform immunohistology evaluation and validation of different proteins, including protein blot analysis, immunofluorescence staining, and histological evaluation methods.

Possible Discovery

  • Detect proteins that are significantly altered in the glaucomatous retina.
  • Identify key proteins involved in the pathophysiological mechanisms of glaucoma.
  • Analyze the cellular functions of the proteins and the biochemical pathways and disease associations involved.

Insights into the retinal proteome can contribute to a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of glaucoma. Our services are dedicated to pointing the way to future glaucoma research projects.

Ace Therapeutics has deep expertise across the retinal proteomics process to help you with glaucoma biomarker discovery and drug discovery and development for the treatment of glaucoma, providing a wealth of data for your project. Please contact us if you have a need.


  1. Anders F, et al. Proteomic profiling reveals crucial retinal protein alterations in the early phase of an experimental glaucoma model. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2017, 255, 1395–1407.
  2. Funke S, et al. Glaucoma related Proteomic Alterations in Human Retina Samples. Sci Rep 6, 2016, 29759.
  3. Reinehr S, et al. Proteomic Analysis of Retinal Tissue in an S100B Autoimmune Glaucoma Model. Biology, 2022; 11(1):16.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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