Proteomic Analysis of Aqueous Humor in Glaucoma

Proteomic Analysis of Aqueous Humor in Glaucoma

Aqueous humor (AH) is a clear fluid located in the front of the eye and is produced by the part of the eye called the ciliary body, which is located above the lens of the eye. Its function is to maintain intraocular pressure, nourish the avascular cornea and lens, and remove metabolic wastes. AH is a key site for studying the pathogenesis of glaucoma, and the balance between its secretion and drainage is important for maintaining IOP. Therefore, it may contribute to the understanding of the pathophysiology of glaucoma.

Proteomic characterization of AH may help identify candidate proteins involved in glaucoma pathogenesis and progressive prognosis. Ace Therapeutics provides proteomic characterization services for different glaucoma, including a comprehensive profile and detailed functional annotation patterns of the proteome of glaucoma with a large sample size, providing unique insights into the proteomic features of glaucoma.

Glaucoma AH Proteomics

AH is a clear fluid with multiple biological functions in the eye. AH circulates in the eye and is enriched with endogenous proteins secreted from nearby intraocular structures, containing secreted proteins from various parts of the eye, including neural tissue. AH proteins are involved in many physiological and pathological processes in the eye, and therefore proteomic analysis of AH is important for understanding the physiological and pathophysiological functions of glaucoma.

Aqueous humor is secreted from the ciliary body into the posterior chamber and escapes through the pupil into the anterior chamber.Fig. 1 Aqueous humor is secreted from the ciliary body into the posterior chamber and escapes through the pupil into the anterior chamber.

AH Proteomic Analysis Services

We provide quantitative proteomic analysis of AH protein profiles in glaucoma, which can identify differentially expressed proteins, provide new insights into proteomic biomarker discovery, improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of glaucoma, and may be a useful diagnostic tool. In addition, a total proteome characterization service is available to study different glaucoma and to compare the AH proteomic profile of different glaucoma.

  • Protein library construction. Construct different glaucoma libraries, including POAG, PAACG, PCACG, NVG, etc., which can be used for protein identification.
  • Differential proteomics analysis. Analyze AH proteomic differences by unbiased statistical method PCA.
  • Protein functional annotation. Including pathway and functional analysis, enrichment analysis using GO and protein-protein interaction networks, detailed proteomic functional annotation by bioinformatics analysis software.
  • Proteomics validation. Confirm the analysis results by PRM method and screen for differential proteins that differ significantly between groups.

Experimental Procedure

Our experimental procedure  for aqueous humor proteome analysis. Fig. 2 Our experimental procedure for aqueous humor proteome analysis.

In our complete experimental program, all reagents, instruments, and materials involved are equipped by us for use, as well as our platform equipped with advanced instruments, including NMR, GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-MS/MS, HPLC-UV/FD, etc. to provide industry use and research use services to provide high quality results and excellent customer support to our customers worldwide.

From ordering to final report, we can help you with your research questions. We want to make it easy and convenient for our customers to work with us.

Our proteomic services team specializes in glaucoma, leveraging therapeutic area expertise to provide relevant and comprehensive datasets to drive informed decisions for you. Ace Therapeutics' proteomics services welcome projects of any size, and our scientists will be happy to help you determine the best solution for your glaucoma program.

We look forward to your contact!


  1. Lee S H, et al. Proteome alterations in the aqueous humor reflect structural and functional phenotypes in patients with advanced normal-tension glaucoma. Sci Rep, 2022, 12, 1221.
  2. Liu X, et al. Proteome Characterization of Glaucoma Aqueous Humor. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2021, 20:100117.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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