Metabolomic Profiling of Plasma in Glaucoma

Metabolomic Profiling of Plasma in Glaucoma

Aqueous humor (AH) is probably the commonly used ophthalmic biological fluid most closely associated with pathologic tissue. Blood is also a valuable biospecimen for glaucoma metabolomics because it is easy to collect and has a high reproducibility. And metabolites from AH and plasma may have large synchronous trends that can provide information about normal and pathological conditions.

Ace Therapeutics has been focusing on glaucoma research, applying cutting-edge technologies for detecting glaucoma-related metabolites to provide researchers with state-of-the-art metabolomic analysis services in glaucoma research. Specifically, we can use untargeted metabolomics to analyze metabolites in plasma samples as a whole, or specifically design targeted analyses based on the client's analytical needs for a class of compounds.

Plasma Metabolomics Analysis Services

The metabolome is a group of small molecule metabolites that maintain cell and tissue growth and represent the end products of gene expression. Our metabolomics platform quantifies blood metabolites and can be used to assess the etiologic role of metabolic alterations in glaucoma.

  • Sample Collection
    You can collect a fasting blood sample from a model animal 3 hours after a meal and recover the plasma by centrifugation at 4°C. And store the plasma sample in a 500 μL aliquot at -80°C and send it to us. Or we can collect the samples directly for metabolomic analysis.
  • Metabolomics Analysis
    We are able to identify and quantify detectable metabolites in the healthy and glaucoma groups using a non-targeted metabolomics approach to determine the differences between their metabolite profiles by comparison. We can acquire accurate m/z values, retention times, mass spectra and other precise information for each metabolite to facilitate identification and recognition of unknown metabolites by LC-MS system. Up to hundreds of different molecules can be quantified, including various free carnitines, acylcarnitines, amino acids, biogenic amines and lipids.
  • Statistical Analysis
    We perform pre-processing of the acquired data, including operational steps such as data centering, noise reduction and peak alignment. We report the differences between metabolic profiles for each sample using a combination of univariate and multivariate statistical methods, and build models for individual metabolite analysis and metabolite class analysis to assess the association between metabolite levels and glaucoma.

Sample Requirements

  • Blood samples must be added to anticoagulants and preservatives immediately after collection and then frozen at -80°C.
  • Do not allow blood samples to freeze and thaw repeatedly.
  • Dispense 500 μL of each sample into freezer tubes.
  • Require parallel sets of samples.

Reports Delivered

  • Detailed and complete experimental procedures
  • Instrumental parameters, mainly including LC and MS
  • All raw data
  • Metabolite analysis data
  • Bioinformatics analysis results

Our experts with years of experience in various fields of glaucoma, metabolomics, and bioinformatics can help you plan, implement, and report on your glaucoma plasma metabolomics study. If you are interested in submitting samples for glaucoma-related metabolomics analysis or have any questions about our services, please contact us for more information. We will always strive to provide you with results as soon as possible!


  1. L Stéphanie, et al. A Metabolomics Profiling of Glaucoma Points to Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Senescence, and Polyamines Deficiency. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2018, 59(11):4355.
  2. Kouassi Nzoughet J, et al. A Data Mining Metabolomics Exploration of Glaucoma. Metabolites. 2020; 10(2):49.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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