Hydrogel Delivery System Development for Glaucoma

Hydrogel Delivery System Development for Glaucoma

The currently used glaucoma medications have low bioavailability and poor patient compliance. The development of ocular drug delivery systems is of great importance in addressing these problems. Hydrogels are an important class of soft materials that can encapsulate and deliver a variety of glaucoma drugs. The wide range of customizability and high hydrophilicity make hydrogels ideal compounds for glaucoma drug delivery applications.

Ace Therapeutics offers glaucoma drug delivery system development services and is committed to designing a suitable hydrogel system for our customers. It uses hydrogels as nanocarriers to interact closely with specific diseased eye tissues in order to improve the therapeutic efficacy and drug bioavailability of anti-glaucoma drugs.


Hydrogel is a hydrophilic polymer gel with a 3D cross-linked network. It leads to cross-linking of polymers through various interactions such as covalent bonding, hydrogen bonding, etc. Based on their porous and cross-linked structure, these cross-linked polymers facilitate the carriage of drugs. On the other hand, hydrogels are able to control the efflux of aqueous humor by modulating the IOP.

Hydrogel structure.Fig. 1 Hydrogel structure. (Yadav K S, et al., 2019)

The hydrophilic nature and excellent biocompatibility of hydrogels make them ideal for drug delivery applications. The development of hydrogels offers a great opportunity for glaucoma drug delivery because hydrogels can improve therapeutic efficacy through the following mechanisms. Hydrogels can prolong the residence time of the drug at the site of administration, allowing more of the drug to act locally or to penetrate deeper into the ocular tissue. And it can also maintain the sustained release of the drug. In addition, hydrogels can integrate multiple drugs into a single platform, thereby improving therapeutic efficacy.

Schematic illustration of the ocular administration routes of hydrogels.Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of the ocular administration routes of hydrogels. (Fang G, et al., 2021)

Services for Hydrogel Delivery System Development for Glaucoma

Our specific services include the design of drug delivery hydrogels and the assessment of hydrogel drug release.

Table 1. Our specific services for hydrogel delivery system development for glaucoma.

Specific Items Our Services
Polymeric materials We can provide synthetic polymers and natural biopolymers and their derivatives for your selection of economically and ecologically friendly materials with good biostability and compatibility. Specifically, we include various biopolymers such as chitosan, hyaluronic acid, alginate, polyvinyl alcohol, etc.
Design of drug delivery hydrogels for the treatment of glaucoma We consider the basic variables of hydrogel design according to your needs, including cross-linking mode, biopolymer, solvent, and cross-linking time period, among others. To design high performance hydrogel systems, we adhere to stringent parameters such as drug release efficiency, sustainability, biocompatibility, biodegradability, viscosity, etc.
Pharmacokinetic analysis of hydrogel drug release Analysis of drug delivery site retention, biocompatibility, and cellular uptake is used to evaluate the efficacy of hydrogel-based drug delivery.

Evaluation Techniques for Hydrogel-Based Drug Delivery Systems

Imaging techniques play a key role in assessing the efficacy of hydrogel-based drug delivery. We provide these methods for evaluating and improving the efficiency of hydrogel polymer formulations.

  • Slit-lamp biomicroscopy (SLB) imaging technique - We offer SLB technology, which provides clear and detailed images of the eye. This is mainly used to monitor the subtle changes that may occur due to the interaction between the hydrogel formulation and the eye. It primarily assesses the biocompatibility of the hydrogel material.
  • Fluorescent microscopy imaging technique - We provide fluorescence microscopy imaging for the in vivo, in vitro preclinical evaluation of hydrogel-based drug formulations relevant to glaucoma treatment.
  • Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) technique - For in vitro cellular uptake studies and in vitro permeation studies.

Hydrogel-based glaucoma drug delivery systems hold great promise for the treatment of glaucoma disease, and the number of commercialized hydrogel-based glaucoma products continues to grow. Contact us to facilitate the clinical translation of your drug development.


  1. Yadav K S, et al. Glaucoma: Current treatment and impact of advanced drug delivery systems. Life Sciences, 2019.
  2. Fang G, et al. Hydrogels-based ophthalmic drug delivery systems for treatment of ocular diseases. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2021, 127: 112212.
  3. Akulo K A, et al. Intravitreal Injectable Hydrogels for Sustained Drug Delivery in Glaucoma Treatment and Therapy. Polymers, 2022, 14, 2359.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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