Construction of Ocular Trabecular Meshwork In Vitro Model for Glaucoma

Construction of Ocular Trabecular Meshwork In Vitro Model for Glaucoma

Cell in vitro models are widely used in research to improve understanding of disease pathology as well as preclinical drug development. In vitro models for glaucoma research can allow scientists to study cell behavior at the molecular level. Intraocular pressure (IOP) is the only modifiable risk factor for glaucoma, and IOP is regulated primarily by aqueous humor (AH) flow from the trabecular meshwork (TM). Therefore, the use of TM cell models is necessary to understand in vitro outflow physiology and glaucoma pathology.

Ace Therapeutics offers TM in vitro model construction services for glaucoma research, allowing our clients to conduct human cell-based studies to more effectively understand the molecular mechanisms that contribute to glaucoma disease.

Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells for Glaucoma Research

The TM provides resistance to the AH to regulate AH outflow which regulates IOP. The structure of TM outflow pathway generally includes: Schlemm's canal (SC), SC inner wall, collection channel, atrial vein, etc. The specific structure is shown in Fig. 1. The TM is responsible for most of the AH outflow, and changes in its physicochemical properties can affect AH outflow. Increased stiffness, alterations in the extracellular matrix (ECM), and loss of protein expression or repair capacity have all been shown to be associated with difficulties in AH efflux. These changes ultimately lead to elevated IOP and cause optic nerve damage.

Structural diagram of the TM outflow pathway. Fig. 1 Structural diagram of the TM outflow pathway. (Bikuna‐Izagirre M, et al., 2022)

The first isolation of human trabecular meshwork cells occurred in 1979, ushering in a new era of glaucoma research. Initial studies were based on cell cultures to study cell characteristics. Later filtrates were used as TM scaffolds to study AH outflow. Several novel tissue engineering manufacturing methods have now been used for TM constructs. In addition to these, the development of 3D printing technology can also be used to construct TM models.

Development of TM construction techniques. Fig. 2 Development of TM construction techniques. (Bikuna‐Izagirre M, et al., 2022)

Services for Construction of Ocular Trabecular Meshwork In Vitro Model for Glaucoma

We are working to construct specific TM cell models in vitro, using tissue engineering techniques to culture cells in 3D systems that mimic in vivo cellular interactions and improve performance in glaucoma research. Currently our services are focused on building TM 3D models because of its key role in glaucoma.

General process of our TM cell model construction.

We offer the development of high-fidelity in vitro scaffolds for TM, utilizing different technologies to fabricate scaffolds that meet specific requirements. Specific technologies include, but are not limited to,

  • Photolithography technology. Photolithography is based on the selective polymerization of light-resistant materials and has the capability of high resolution and control of pore size and shape, allowing direct generation of cultures.
  • Electrospun nanofiber technology. Electrostatic spinning produces a highly porous structure that mimics the composition of natural ECM fibers. It allows for high volume production and ensures a high degree of reproducibility.
  • Hydrogel technology. Hydrogels can be made from a variety of synthetic or natural materials and can produce excellent 3D environments with varying levels of stiffness and morphology, biocompatibility, and structural maintenance integrity.

In Vitro Research Applications

  • Bioimaging analysis
  • ROS monitoring
  • Apoptosis assay
  • Mitochondrial function assessment
  • Metabolic activity measurement
  • Gene expression analysis
  • Protein analysis

Choose to build your model as a starting point for studying glaucoma. Our approach to in vitro glaucoma models may provide you with useful tools. You can contact us for any experimental needs you may have for glaucoma research.


  1. Bikuna‐Izagirre M, et al. Technological advances in ocular trabecular meshwork in vitro models for glaucoma research. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2022.
  2. Tirendi S, et al. A 3D Model of Human Trabecular Meshwork for the Research Study of Glaucoma. Frontiers in Neurology, 2020, 11: 591776.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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