Ace Therapeutics
Diagnostic Technology Development Services for Wilson's Disease
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Diagnostic Technology Development Services for Wilson's Disease


Ace Therapeutics has extensive experience in the development of diagnostic technologies. We are committed to providing quality and comprehensive services to our global clients developing diagnostic technologies for Wilson's disease. Our scientists will provide you with the most professional and accurate technical services based on the circumstances of your project.

Diagnostic Technology Development for Wilson's Disease

Due to the diversity of clinical manifestations of Wilson's disease, it is difficult to distinguish it effectively and quickly from other diseases, which is also a challenge for the development of diagnostic techniques for Wilson's disease. The development of diagnostic techniques for Wilson's disease requires a combination of clinical manifestations and laboratory tests.

What Can We Do?

Ace Therapeutics offers exclusive services for different directions of the development of diagnostic technologies for Wilson's disease to meet the needs of different research protocols.

  • Diagnostic Technology Development Based on Cu Level for Wilson's Disease

Cu accumulation is the predominant feature of Wilson's disease, and therefore the detection of Cu levels is the main way to diagnose Wilson's disease. Since there is no clear trend in total serum Cu levels in Wilson's disease patients, we are constantly developing and optimizing diagnostic techniques to achieve a more sensitive and specific diagnosis of Wilson's disease.

  • More sensitive results for free copper levels
  • The fecal copper test can better reflect the copper excretion capacity of the liver
  • The liver biopsy for hepatic copper levels can rule out Wilson's disease
  • Neuroimaging-Based diagnostic Technology Development for Wilson's Disease

Neuroimaging is a technique commonly used in clinical practice to diagnose disease. We are also continuously optimizing neuroimaging-based assays and imaging biomarkers.

  • MRI-based technology detects brain lesions including basal ganglia, thalamus, midbrain, and pons. In particular, the " face of the giant panda" in the midbrain.
  • T2*-weighted imaging and susceptibility-weighted imaging are used to detect excessive copper and iron deposits in the brain.
  • Diagnosis based on magnetic resonance spectroscopy, single-photon emission computed tomography, transcranial parenchymal ultrasound, and other imaging techniques
  • Gene Sequencing-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Wilson's Disease

Wilson's disease is caused by mutations in the ATP7B gene; therefore, the most direct and accurate way to detect Wilson's disease is through sequencing of the ATP7B gene. We are continuously working to develop allele-specific probes based on hotspot mutations with the aim of directly identifying the pathogenic mutations in ATP7B.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive experience in the field of diagnostic technology development. We have over a decade of hands-on experience in a variety of diagnostic technologies. Our scientists can provide more accurate and scientific advice and recommendations to help your research succeed. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Ranucci, G., et al., Wilson's disease: Prospective developments towards new therapies. World J Gastroenterol, 2017. 23(30): p. 5451-5456.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.