Hypertension Research and Drug Development Services
Therapeutic Areas
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* Please note that all of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

Hypertension Research and Drug Development Services


High blood pressure is a common medical condition that affects the body's arteries, which is also known as hypertension. Ace Therapeutics provides integrated basic research and drug development services to help clients further explore the pathogenesis and novel therapeutic approaches to hypertension.

Pathogenesis of Hypertension

During the natural progression of hypertension, primary hypertension develops from incidental to definite hypertension. After a long unchanging asymptomatic period, persistent hypertension develops into complex hypertension with significant target organ damage, including the aorta and small arteries, heart, kidneys, retina, and central nervous system.

  • Endothelial Dysfunction

    One potential mechanism by which inflammation may promote hypertension is by causing endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial dysfunction may lead to an increase in systemic vascular resistance, which can lead to the development of hypertension.

  • Oxidative Stress

    Innate and adaptive immune responses potentiate blood pressure elevation and the ensuing end-organ injury by driving reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in cardiovascular control organs, including the vasculature, the kidney, and the nervous system.

Hypertension induced cerebrovascular alterationsFig. 1 Hypertension induced cerebrovascular alterations. (Santisteban MM, et al., 2023)

Current Status of Drug Development for Hypertension

The development of therapeutic drugs for hypertension has long been a hot topic in the field of cardiovascular disease research. Traditional small molecule chemical drugs occupy the majority of the hypertension drug market, but in recent years more and more drugs based on novel targets of action or novel drug types have entered the researchers' field of vision, providing more choices for the therapeutic pathway of hypertension.

Overview of Novel Drugs for Hypertension

Drug Name Drug Target Original Organization Drug Phase
Aprocitentan ETA/ETB Idorsia Ltd. Approved
Amlodipine Benzoate VDCCs Azurity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Approved
Allisartan Isoproxil/Indapamide AT1R1 Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. NDA
Valsartan/Levamlodipine PLG Beijing Baiao Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. Phase 3
Lorundrostat ALDOS Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp. Phase 3
REGN-5381 NPRA Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Phase 2
Zilebesiran Angiotensin Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Phase 2
Tonlamarsen Angiotensin Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Phase 2
What We Can Do

Ace Therapeutics is committed to supporting basic research and development of novel therapeutic approaches for hypertension by providing outsourced research services for disease model development and related research technology platforms.

Research Models

Research Models

Basic Research

Basic Research

Drug Development

Drug Development

Research Models for Hypertension

We are able to provide our clients with various types of animal models of hypertension, genetically engineered mouse models and cardiomyocyte cell lines to support basic and pharmaceutical research in the field of hypertension.

Custom Animal Models of Hypertension

Animal models commonly used in hypertension research include mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and dogs. We can provide customized animal models of hypertension to help our clients better conduct experimental studies related to hypertension.

Transgenic Animal Model Development Services

Hypertension is considered to be a disease that is regulated by multiple genes, and mutations in many genes may eventually trigger the development of hypertension. We can provide customized services for developing transgenic or knockout animal models, including but not limited to the following genes:

  • ACE
  • eNOS
  • CYP11B1
  • KLHL3
  • NR3C1
  • SCNN1B
  • ET-2
  • NPRC

Genetically Engineered Mouse Models

We can provide the following high quality genetically engineered mice for hypertension research.

Cardiomyocyte Cell Lines

For in vitro studies, we can provide our clients with a wide range of cardiomyocyte cell lines.

Basic Research Services for Hypertension

With our specialized multi-omics research and pathology imaging technology platform, we are able to provide our clients with research services on the pathogenesis of hypertension, experimental animal pathology diagnosis and impact of auxiliary examination services.

Pathogenesis Research Services

The pathogenesis of hypertension is complex and is regulated by multiple genes. We are able to provide professional research services on the pathogenesis of hypertension according to the individual needs of our clients.

  • Genomic Profiling Services
  • Transcriptomic Profiling Services
  • Proteomic Profiling Services
  • Metabolomic Profiling Services

Pathology and Imaging Services

For animal studies of hypertension, we can provide our clients with pathology and imaging services for visual model validation and efficacy assessment, including but not limited to:

  • Histopathology Services
  • Immunohistochemistry Services
  • Ultra-micro histological Study Services
  • In Vivo Optical Imaging Services
  • Electrocardiography Examination Services
  • Echocardiogram Examination Services
  • Computed Tomography Services
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Services
  • Radionuclide Imaging Services

Drug Development Services for Hypertension

We can provide research and development services for hypertension drug therapies, including but not limited to the following drug types and targets:

R&D Services by Drug Type

R&D Services by Target

  • Endothelin Receptor
  • Voltage-dependent Ca (2+) channels (VDCCs)
  • Angiotensin 1 Receptor (AT1R)
  • Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE)
  • Plasminogen (PLG)

Ace Therapeutics provides our customers with basic research, biomarker development, and novel therapy discovery services based on decades of experience in the field of hypertension. If you are interested in our hypertension research services, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. Santisteban, M.M.; et al. Hypertension, Neurovascular Dysfunction, and Cognitive Impairment. Hypertension. 2023, 80(1): 22-34.
! All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be intended for any clinical use.
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