Custom Animal Models of Hypertension
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* Please note that all of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

Custom Animal Models of Hypertension


Clinical hypertension has a complex pathogenesis with many complications, including coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, renal disease, and stroke. The establishment of suitable animal models of hypertension is the basis for the study of its pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, and therapy protocols, which is important in the study of hypertension and its complications. Ace Therapeutics is dedicated to providing custom animal models of hypertension based on the specific needs of our clients.

Different Types of Animal Models of Hypertension

Animal models of hypertension are the models used to carry out research on hypertensive diseases and their complications and are divided into two types of animal models: essential hypertension and induced hypertension. Animal models of spontaneous hypertension include genetic hypertension models and genetically engineered hypertension models, such as the commonly used SHR rats, which are suitable for basic research and drug discovery of primary hypertension. Compared with primary hypertension models, induced hypertension models have the advantage of shorter construction time, which are suitable for the research of hypertension induced by special drugs or environmental factors.

Currently available animal models of pulmonary hypertensionFig. 1 Currently available animal models of pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease. (Liu SF, Yan Y, 2022)

Our Services

Ace Therapeutics provides development services for animal models of hypertension, which help our clients accelerate the basic research and drug development for hypertension researches, including but not limited to:

Essential Hypertension Drug Induced Hypertension Environmental Induced Hypertension Surgical Induced Hypertension Genetically Engineered Hypertension

Essential Hypertension Models

  • Overview
    Animal models of essential hypertension are a class of animal models of heritable diseases obtained through artificial genetic screening. We can provide animal models of essential hypertension, which can spontaneously develop significant symptoms of hypertension as the animal model increases in months of age.
  • Available Animal Species and Strains
    Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), stroke-prone spontaneous hypertension rats (SHRsp), dahl salt-sensitive rats (DSS)
  • Animal Model Validation
    Blood pressure usually begins to rise after 4-6 weeks of rearing, and we will consider the hypertensive rat model to have been successfully established when we have continuously measured a stable systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg.

Drug Induced Hypertension Models

  • Overview
    Hypertension induced by chemicals has the advantage of a shorter modeling time and more stable blood pressure elevation. We can use drugs such as angiotensin II, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ether (L-NAME), and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) to induce stable hypertension in experimental animals.
  • Available Animal Species and Strains
    Rats (SD rats, Wistar rats)
  • Animal Model Validation
    We will measure arterial blood pressure in rats after 3-5 weeks (Angiotensin II, DOCA) or 3-6 months (L-NAME) of administration, and consider successful construction of an animal model of hypertension if a stable systolic blood pressure higher than 160 mmHg is detected in rats.

Environmental Induced Hypertension Models

  • Overview
    The pathogenesis of hypertension is complex, and even some changes in external environmental factors can lead to the occurrence of hypertension in clinical practice. We are able to provide our clients with animal model development services for hypertension induced by external environmental factors, including stress, dietary and chronic intermittent hypoxia, to meet the needs of our clients for research on different causes of hypertensive disorders.
  • Available Animal Species and Strains
    Rats (SD rats, Wistar rats)
  • Animal Model Validation
    Since it is difficult to control the time of onset of hypertension induced by environmental factors, we will continuously monitor the blood pressure of rats during the process of environmental induction and rearing, and if the systolic blood pressure of rats is consistently detected to be steadily higher than 160 mmHg, the animal model of hypertension will be considered to have been successfully constructed.

Surgical Induced Hypertension Models

  • Overview
    Surgical narrowing of the arteries is also one of the more well-studied methods of modeling hypertension in animal models. We can provide surgical procedures for renal artery stenosis, narrowing of the abdominal aorta, and implantation of devices in the renal arteries, resulting in increased blood pressure to create stable animal disease models of hypertension.
  • Available Animal Species and Strains
    Rats (SD rats, Wistar rats), rabbits (New Zealand white rabbit, Japanese white rabbit), pigs (Obbassaw mini-pig, Rapacz pig)
  • Animal Model Validation
    After 2-4 weeks of surgery, we will measure the blood pressure of the animal model, and if a stable systolic blood pressure higher than 160 mmHg (rats), 140 mmHg (rabbits), and 190 mmHg (pigs) is detected, the animal model of hypertension is considered to be successfully constructed.

Genetically Engineered Hypertension Models

  • Overview
    Genetically engineered hypertension animal models are divided into transgenic animal models and knockout animal models. We are able to integrate exogenous genes into the genome and overexpress them to cause hypertension, or knock out the target genes to cause hypertension, depending on the needs of our clients.
  • Available Animal Species and Strains
    Fawn-hooded Hypertensive Rats, Milan Hypertensive Strain Rats, Lyon Hypertensive Rats, Sabra Hypertensive Rats
  • Animal Model Validation
    Blood pressure usually starts to rise after 4-6 weeks of rearing. When we measure the systolic blood pressure of rats stabilized at 160 mmHg or above, we can determine that the hypertensive rat model has been successfully established.

Development Workflow for Animal Models of Hypertension

Development workflow for animal models of hypertension

Ace Therapeutics has many years of experience in animal disease modelling, and we have a well-developed platform for the construction of animal models of hypertension, which can be customized according to the needs of our clients to meet their requirements for basic research on hypertension, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of therapeutic drugs. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. Liu, S.F.; Yan, Y. Animal models of pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease. Animal Model Exp Med. 2022, 5(3):197-206.
! All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be intended for any clinical use.
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