Histopathology is an important technique for evaluating pathological changes in animal models. In stroke models, histopathology is often used to examine nerve damage in tissue sections of the animal's brain or spinal cord. Histology aims to study stroke characterization through microscopic examination of tissue morphology. In pathology, tissue samples examined under a microscope are usually the result of fixation, clearing/embedding, and sectioning following surgery, biopsy, or autopsy. Cryostat processing can be used when fast results are required (such as during surgery) or when fixing the sample would cause damage to target structures (such as lipids or certain antigens).
Fig. 1. Histological analysis of the rabbit brain with a cerebral lesion 72 h after the photothrombotic ischemic stroke. (Kim et al., 2021)
At Ace Therapeutics, we offer a wide range of testing capabilities for histological assessment service in animal models of stroke. Our scientists with comprehensive pathology skills and extensive experience in operating laboratory animal pathology techniques can prepare brain or spinal cord tissue samples and perform a wide range of histopathological stains upon request, providing a high standard of histopathological techniques and morphological analysis for stroke research. All evaluation methods can be customized to meet customer specific needs.
Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive histopathological assessment services to support basic and drug development research in stroke. We can undertake preclinical stroke drug safety evaluation pathology testing, pharmacodynamics evaluation pathology testing, stroke animal model identification and analysis, and can issue complete experimental reports. If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us!