Collagen, Type I Solution from Rat Tail

Cat.#: BBM-3C-044



Description Collagen, Type I Solution from Rat Tail from Ace Therapeutics is derived from rat tail, which used in tissue engineering especially in the generation of 3-D scaffolds based gels.
Source Rat tail
Size 1 vial
Form Liquid
Purity >95% (SDS-PAGE)
Sterility Passed sterility test for bacteria and fungi.
Storage 2-8°C
Shipping Wet ice
Aplications Used as a coating material to support adherent cells growth and differentiation.
Citation Guidance If you use our product in a scientific publication, please cite it as "Ace Therapeutics Cat.#". Click here to submit your paper's PubMed ID (PMID) to receive rewards.

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All of our products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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