Psychiatric Biomarker Analysis Services

Psychiatric Biomarker Analysis Services


Ace Therapeutics has extensive experience in the analysis of biomarkers of stress and other psychiatric disorders in a wide range of biological matrices. With years of experience in assay design and sample processing, we can provide high-quality biomarker analysis services to support your anti-psychiatric drug discovery pipeline.

Introduction of Psychiatric Biomarker Analysis

Biomarkers are an area of biological psychiatric research. Central biomarkers in the brain and peripheral biomarkers such as proteins in blood, plasma and tissues are biological features that contribute to a better understanding of the origin and pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. Identification of biomarkers not only in the CNS but also in other body systems with which it interacts may lead to more accurate diagnosis and more effective treatment to target dysfunctional pathways in these disorders.

Fig. 1 Genetic and imaging biomarkers.Fig. 1 Genetic and imaging biomarkers. (Abi-Dargham A, et al., 2016)

Biomarker Analysis Services

We offer biomarker analysis and validation services for a wide range of samples from in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo preclinical studies. Our biomarker studies include the detection of disease-specific target analytes using a variety of methods such as multiplex protein analysis, ELISA, protein blotting, qPCR, FACS, IHC/ISH, etc. We employ rigorous QA/QC measures, including a dedicated quality management team and a comprehensive quality management system, to ensure the rigor and reliability of results required for anti-psychotic drug development programs.

Our Multiomic Biomarker Analysis Platform

  • Genomics and transcriptomics
  • Mass Spectrometry-based discovery proteomics
  • Immunoassays (ELISA, MSD, Luminex)
  • Flow cytometry
  • Histological and digital pathology assays, in-situ hybridization/RNAScope
  • Immune profiling: Cytokine and chemokine profiling; FACS, RNA-Seq, Mouse I/O RNA-Seq

Available Species

  • Human
  • Mouse
  • Rat
  • Canine
  • Feline
  • Bovine
  • Porcine
  • Non-Human Primate

Available Sample Submission Formats

  • Whole Blood
  • Plasma/Serum
  • Tissue (Fresh, Fixed, or Frozen)
  • Tissue Lysate
  • Cells (fresh, frozen, fixed)
  • Cell Culture Lysate/Supernatant
  • Saliva
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • Synovial Fluid
  • Peritoneal Fluid
  • Urine
  • Stool
  • DNA
  • RNA

Why Choose Us?

  • We can help you achieve deep biological insights into the mechanism of action and pharmacodynamics of antipsychotic drugs.
  • We can maximize the value of your preclinical data.
  • We can identify candidate biomarkers early to reduce your drug development risk.
  • We have the technology and knowledge to meet all your biomarker needs.

Ace Therapeutics has developed expertise in analyzing biomarkers of stress and psychopathology in a variety of biological matrices and in implementing these markers through biosensors. In addition, we have extensive experience in the development and validation of animal models of mental health problems (anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and schizophrenia). If you are interested in our services, please make an inquiry to discuss a custom solution with one of our biomarker experts.


  1. Abi-Dargham A, Horga G. The search for imaging biomarkers in psychiatric disorders. Nat Med. 2016, 22(11):1248-1255.
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