Protein Kinase Screening of Antipsychotics

Protein Kinase Screening of Antipsychotics


Ace Therapeutics has the most extensive kinase custom assay development expertise available for psychiatric drug discovery and can guarantee the in vitro kinase assays you need.

Introduction of Protein Kinase Screening of Antipsychotics

Protein kinases (PK) are enzymes that catalyze the phosphorylation of proteins. Phosphorylation of proteins leads to changes in the state of ion channel proteins, the final link in intracellular neural information transmission. Protein kinases that catalyze protein phosphorylation are widely involved in physiological processes such as neurodevelopment, sensation, learning, memory, emotion, and cognition, as well as in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders.

Fig. 1 Protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases.Fig. 1 Protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases.

The Importance of Screening Protein Kinases

Currently, there is increasingly extensive research on the regulation of intracellular signaling pathways by antipsychotic drugs by affecting the activity of protein kinases. Abnormal levels and functions of protein kinases play an important role in the pathophysiological processes of many psychiatric disorders. With the increasing maturity of monoclonal antibody preparation technology and small molecule inhibitor or agonist screening technology, screening for antipsychotic drugs targeting specific protein kinases or specific upstream and downstream molecules has become an inevitable trend in drug development.

Fig. 2 Possible signaling pathways of antipsychotic drugs affecting N-methyl-D-aspartateFig. 2 Possible signaling pathways of antipsychotic drugs affecting N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and GABAA (γ-aminobutyric acid) receptors in the nucleus accumbens. (Pan B, et al. 2020)

Protein Kinase Screening Services

Based on the protein kinase targets and requirements provided by the client, Ace Therapeutics can analyze and develop specific protocols for protein kinase screening for antipsychotic drug services and select the targeted antipsychotic drugs that meet the requirements. Our research platform has a large range of signal assays that can be widely used for protein kinase screening of various antipsychotic drugs, and also allows for kinase cascade effect studies, enabling the identification of kinase inhibitors in the inactive state. We have an experienced team of scientists, researchers, and technicians to provide fast turnaround, high-quality experimental results and, data reports at competitive prices to our customers worldwide. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.

Protein Kinase Screening of Antipsychotics

  • Protein kinase CK2
  • Protein kinase A
  • Protein kinase B
  • Protein kinase C
  • Adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase
  • Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase
  • Other protein kinases

Protein Kinase Screening Process for Antipsychotics

  • Protein kinase targets for screening antipsychotic drugs are first identified and proprietary experimental protocols are developed accordingly.
  • Construct large-scale compound libraries and protein kinase screening models for antipsychotics at the biochemical, cellular, and animal levels.
  • Compounds are scored and evaluated for efficacy, and candidate compounds are obtained by statistical analysis.
  • Repeat the previous step to obtain antipsychotic drugs that pass the protein kinase screen.

Fig. 3 Protein kinase screening process of antipsychotics.Fig. 3 Protein kinase screening process of antipsychotics.

Our Advantages

  • More scientific screening protocols for antipsychotic drugs
  • Broader detection of protein kinase signatures
  • More extensive research on protein kinase targets
  • More accurate identification of protein kinase inhibitors

Ace Therapeutics has the broadest range of services and custom assay development expertise available for anti-psychotic drug discovery, ensuring the in vitro kinase assays you need to meet your anti-psychotic drug development needs. If you are interested in this service, please make an inquiry to learn how we can support you in your project.


  1. Pan B, Lian J, Deng C. Chronic antipsychotic treatment differentially modulates protein kinase A- and glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta-dependent signaling pathways, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor and γ-aminobutyric acid A receptors in nucleus accumbens of juvenile rats. J Psychopharmacol. 2018, 32(11):1252-1263.
  2. Borgo C, et al. Protein kinase CK2: a potential therapeutic target for diverse human diseases. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021, 6(1):183.

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