Ion Channel Screening of Antipsychotics

Ion Channel Screening of Antipsychotics


Ace Therapeutics provides accurate ion channel screening data, tailored to your goals and delivered in a timely manner to meet your specific needs. Our ion channel and drug discovery screening capabilities allow us to provide reliable, high-quality data to accelerate and validate your antipsychotic drug discovery program.

Introduction of Ion Channel Screening of Antipsychotics

Ion channels are the key to the normal function of living organisms. Bioelectrical signals mediated by ion channels play an important role in vital signs, hormone secretion, signal transduction, cognitive memory, and other life processes. The mutation of ion channels at the gene level can lead to a variety of neuropsychiatric diseases.

Fig. 1 Membrane ion channel showing conduction and selectivity.Fig. 1 Membrane ion channel showing conduction and selectivity. (Flood E, et al., 2019)

Many current studies have found that ion channels may provide new targets and approaches for the development and study of antipsychotic drugs. In addition, many antipsychotic drugs have been shown to be cardiotoxic when acting on ion channels, including prolonged QT interval, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, and other side effects in patients. Therefore, there is a need to screen for antipsychotic drugs that target ion channels.

Ion Channel Screening Services

Ace Therapeutics offers services including primary and secondary drug screening for ion channels associated with antipsychotics. Based on the ion channel targets and requirements provided by the client, Ace Therapeutics will analyze and develop a specific protocol for antipsychotic ion channel screening services and select the target antipsychotic drug that meets the requirements. We have developed methods including radioligand binding assays, fluorescent dye probes, ion flux assays, and membrane clamp techniques for ion channel screening of antipsychotics. Also, different platforms for flux ion channel screening of antipsychotic drugs are available to meet different needs. We have an experienced team of scientists, researchers, and technicians to provide fast turnaround, high quality experimental results, and data reports at competitive prices for our global clients.

Ion Channels for Antipsychotic Screening

  • Voltage-gated potassium channel (VGPCS)
  • Voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCCS)
  • Voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSCS)
  • GABA receptor-gated ion channel
  • Other ion channels

Ion Channel Screening Process for Antipsychotics

  • Identify ion channel targets for screening antipsychotics and develop proprietary experimental protocols accordingly.
  • Construct large-scale compound libraries and ion channel screening models for antipsychotics at the biochemical, cellular, and animal levels.
  • Score and evaluate compounds for efficacy, and obtain candidate compounds by statistical analysis.
  • Repeat the previous step to obtain antipsychotic drugs screened by ion channel.

Ion Channel Screening Process for Antipsychotics

Our Advantages

  • More scientific screening protocols for antipsychotic drugs
  • More comprehensive screening of ion channels for antipsychotics
  • More extensive ion channel target studies
  • More targeted ion channel screening platform for antipsychotics

Ace Therapeutics has established a range of assays to support your antipsychotics discovery program. In addition to our in-house biological capabilities, we offer an integrated ion channel research program. We combine advanced electrophysiological expertise to measure the potency, efficacy, and selectivity of compounds designed and synthesized by our medicinal chemists. If you are interested in this service, please make an inquiry to learn how we can support you in your project.


  1. Flood E, et al. Atomistic simulations of membrane ion channel conduction, gating, and modulation. Chemical Reviews. 2019, 119: 7737-7832.
  2. Gao L, et al. Synthesis and biological evaluation of a new class of multi-target heterocycle piperazine derivatives as potential antipsychotics. RSC Advances. 2021, 11(28): 16931-16941.

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