DNA Damage and Repair in Psychiatry

DNA Damage and Repair in Psychiatry


Ace Therapeutics has developed a variety of DNA damage and repair assays to advance the cellular and molecular biology associated with mental illness. We can all help you with experimental design, assay protocols and data analysis. We aim to assist you in your psychiatric research and accelerate your anti-psychotic drug development process.

Introduction of DNA Damage and Repair in Psychiatry

DNA damage and impaired DNA damage repair are common intra-pathological phenotypes of certain psychiatric disorders. Defective DNA repair and DNA damage in mature neurons can lead to progressive cognitive impairment. Oxidative DNA damage and altered DNA repair gene expression have been observed in GABAergic neurons in schizophrenia.

Fig. 1 Neuronal activity-induced DNA damage and repair regulates expression of both early response and later response genes in neurons.Fig. 1 Neuronal activity-induced DNA damage and repair regulates expression of both early response and later response genes in neurons. (Su Y, et al., 2015)

DNA Damage and Repair Analysis Services

Ace Therapeutics has developed rapid and reliable assays to detect various types of RNA and DNA damage. We offer 8-OHG RNA damage assays, 8-OHdG DNA damage assays, AP sites quantitation, comet assays, DNA double-strand break assays, poly (ADP-Ribose) ELISA, and UV-induced DNA damage assays. We not only offer DNA/RNA damage and repair assays, but can also provide you with specific assistance in the following studies:

  1. Study of DNA damage in major depressive disorder (MDD)
    • Detection of oxidative damage to DNA and lipids in animal models of MDD
    • Detection of serum and urine levels of DNA damage biomarkers such as 8-oxodG and F2-isoprostanes
    • Examining how altered DNA repair is involved in the pathogenesis of depression
    • Studying the association of MDD with inflammation, apoptosis and oxidative stress
    • Detecting antioxidant activity such as whole blood reduced glutathione
    • Investigating how higher stress-induced glucocorticoids cause oxidative damage in MDD
  2. Study of DNA damage in bipolar disorder
    • Measurement of serum 8-oxodG levels and urinary 8-oxodG and 8-oxoGuo levels
    • Studying the antioxidant system in animal models of bipolar disorder
    • Detection of poly ADP ribose polymerase (a DNA repair enzyme) and levels of SOD and catalase in the hippocampus of the brain
    • Investigating the effect of glucocorticoids on DNA repair mechanisms and the efficiency of antioxidant enzymes
    • Assessment of single-cell DNA damage
  3. Study of DNA damage in schizophrenia
    • Studying Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Brain
    • Analysis of oxidative stress markers associated with schizophrenia
    • Analysis of 8-oxodG levels in urine and blood of schizophrenia patients
    • Analysis of catalase and glutathione peroxidase levels
    • Study of how an imbalance in neurotransmitter levels affects oxidative damage
  4. Study of RNA damage in mental illness
    • Study of RNA damage occurring in MDD, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
    • Investigating the role of oxidatively produced nucleoside damage in the development of psychiatric disorders

Ace Therapeutics offers a range of customized services related to oxidative stress, and we are committed to helping researchers understand the mechanisms of oxidative stress associated with mental illness and evaluate new therapies for mental illness. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to make an inquiry.


  1. Su Y, Ming GL, Song H. DNA damage and repair regulate neuronal gene expression. Cell Res. 2015, 25(9):993-994.

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