Antipsychotics CNS Toxicity Assays

Antipsychotics CNS Toxicity Assays


Ace Therapeutics partners with you to develop, optimize and implement innovative technologies to evaluate the potentially toxic effects of your antipsychotic molecules on the nervous system.

The Importance of CNS Toxicity Analysis of Antipsychotic Drugs

Long-term administration of antipsychotics can lead to neuropsychiatric adverse effects, including consequences of their effects on the autonomic nervous system, cognitive and behavioral effects, seizureogenic effects, acute extrapyramidal phenomena, and delayed movement disorders, such as delayed dyskinesia. Delayed-onset dyskinesia is a common problem in individuals receiving long-term antipsychotic medication. In addition, the symptomatic overlap between movement disorders and psychiatric symptoms induced by some medications may confound the clinical assessment of patients. Therefore, the importance of analyzing and assessing the CNS toxicity of antipsychotic medications cannot be overstated, which can help to improve the efficacy of the medication and also better ensure patient safety.

CNS Toxicity Analysis Services

Ace Therapeutics has developed a comprehensive testing strategy to assess neurotoxicity induced by antipsychotic drugs. Our neurotoxicity assay can be used to assess the adverse effects of biological, chemical, or physical agents on the function of the central and peripheral nervous system. The in vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) model we developed allows for the detection of toxic effects at the BBB level and the assessment of drug transport across the barrier to predicting the free brain concentration of the drug under study.

Our Capabilities

  • Behavioral testing: including motor activity, rotating rod forced activity, water maze learning and memory tests, auditory startle habits, and analysis of functional observation batteries.
  • Propensity to Abuse Testing: Testing for propensity to abuse is performed on any drug that crosses the blood-brain barrier, regardless of the therapeutic indication.
  • Neuronal growth assays: can be used to provide valuable information about the potential of therapeutic compounds to enhance or inhibit neurogenesis.
  • Ototoxicity testing, measurement of auditory function, cyto-cochleography, ear histology, and assessment of potential recovery.
  • Neurochemical testing: including cholinesterase assays in red blood cells, plasma and brain samples, and quantification of endogenous neurotransmitter levels.
  • Neuropathological analysis: including in situ perfusion, morphometry, somatotopy, and qualitative neuropathological assessment.

Note: The following factors also need to be considered when performing a neurotoxicity analysis of a drug:

  • The dose and mode of administration of the drug.
  • The specific target of the nervous system, such as the type and area of neurons
  • The mechanism of action and metabolic pathway of the drug.
  • Taking all of these factors into account, we can customize a neurotoxicity analysis program just for you.

Research Formats

We now offer 2 main types of research formats.

  • Full service and full report studies: fully customized studies including study plan, draft text, and final text report
  • Rapid toxicity studies: including study plans and full protocols, raw results, and graphical data, these studies are designed for early-stage drug development.

Ace Therapeutics has the experience and state-of-the-art technology to provide GLP-compliant neurotoxicity testing services to study the negative effects of antipsychotic drugs on the central nervous system. The methodology we offer will facilitate the risk assessment process for drug discovery and the reduction of animal use. If you are interested in this service, please make an inquiry to learn how we can support you in your project.

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