Antipsychotics Carcinogenicity Assays

Antipsychotics Carcinogenicity Assays


Ace Therapeutics offers carcinogenicity studies to determine the tumorigenic potential of antipsychotic drugs. We perform oncogenicity studies in rats and mice based on standard or custom study protocols. Our services can help you achieve your key research goals for anti-psychotic drug development.

The Importance of Hematological Toxicity Analysis of Antipsychotic Drugs

Within the psychotropic drug class, newer generation (atypical) antipsychotics and anticonvulsants showed the highest evidence of carcinogenicity, and almost all drugs were carcinogenic in FDA-based preclinical studies. Most antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and sedative-hypnotics have also been found to be carcinogenic. When all psychotropic drugs examined are combined, approximately 71 % have some preclinical evidence of carcinogenicity. Given the widespread use of antipsychotics, these results need to be interpreted in the context of potential human carcinogenicity assessment criteria based on animal studies and the available evidence in human studies.

Fig. 1 Carcinogenicity assessment to address the challenges of cancer diseases and chemicals in the environment.Fig. 1 Carcinogenicity assessment to address the challenges of cancer diseases and chemicals in the environment. (Madia F, et al., 2019)

Carcinogenicity nalysis Services

Ace Therapeutics can provide transgenic animal models for antipsychotic drug carcinogenicity studies. For example, our rasH2 transgenic mouse model has activated/over-expressed oncogenes and is more susceptible to carcinogens than normal mice. This leads to more rapid induction of tumorigenesis, saving valuable time and resources. In addition, we collected extensive in vivo, survival, and histopathological data and performed comprehensive statistical data analysis to assess tumor parameters.

Our carcinogenicity studies are divided into two categories

  • Short-term 14-day and 13-week toxicity studies
  • Long-term 2-year studies

Animal Species and Strains

Our preclinical in vivo studies to assess the carcinogenic potential of the drug can be conducted in mice and rats, in both sexes, and generally extended the average lifespan of the species (18 to 24 months in mice and 24 to 30 months in rats).

Drug Dosage

Considering the statistical and experimental design limitations of chronic bioassays, we chose to assay with high doses to obtain more reliable results.

Service Highlights

Our antipsychotic drug carcinogenicity studies are conducted by experienced toxicologists in an AAALAC-accredited animal facility. Our science laboratories are equipped with GLP compliant instrumentation. The computerized systems used in our laboratories are validated to meet the requirements of GLP principles. Not only can we help you with your antipsychotic carcinogenicity analysis, we can also

  • Explore relevant mechanisms of carcinogenicity
  • Identify any toxic clusters that highlight possible carcinogenic risks
  • Analyze the conformational relationships (SAR) of carcinogenic endpoints

Our Expertise in Carcinogenesis

As part of our CRO services, Ace Therapeutics has been conducting carcinogenicity studies in rodent models for the pharmaceutical industry for many years. We have been a leading preclinical contractor for toxicology studies of antipsychotic drugs, and our scientists have a reputation for carcinogenicity assessment and oncogenic mechanism studies. Our scientists would be pleased to assist you in the areas of carcinogenesis, cancer chemoprevention, and cancer chemotherapy.

Why Choose Us?

  • Standard or custom carcinogenicity studies
  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Fit-for-purpose, GLP-compliant instrumentation
  • Expert team of scientists

Ace Therapeutics conducts GLP toxicology studies on the carcinogenicity of antipsychotic drugs in accordance with GLP regulations. In addition, we offer the rasH2 model as an alternative to the full oncogenicity protocol. If you are interested in this service, please make an inquiry to learn how we can support you in your project.


  1. Madia F, et al. Carcinogenicity assessment: Addressing the challenges of cancer and chemicals in the environment. Environ Int. 2019, 128:417-429.

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