Customized NHP Models of Cataract

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, significantly impacting visual health, particularly in aging populations. Ace Therapeutics specializes in customized non-human primate (NHP) models of cataract, leveraging advanced techniques to support preclinical ophthalmic research.

Overview of Cataract and Related NHP Models

Cataracts are characterized by the progressive opacification of the eye's lens, leading to impaired vision and eventual blindness. Various factors contribute to cataract development, including aging, genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders (e.g., diabetes), oxidative stress, traumas, and exposure to certain medications or toxins. NHP models can be tailored to mimic specific cataract etiologies, offering a more targeted approach to preclinical research. NHPs, specifically cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), offer invaluable models for studying cataracts due to their striking similarities to humans in ocular anatomy, physiology, and aging processes. Their natural development of age-related lens changes, mirroring human cataract progression, provides a strong foundation for translational research.

Fig 1. Photographs of a healthy 19-year-old female monkey.Fig. 1. The photos of a health female monkey aged 19, including silt-limp photos (A), colorful fundus photos (B), anterior segment OCT photos (C) and posterior segments OCT photos (D). (Wu J, et al., 2023)

Service Overview

Ace Therapeutics is committed to supporting cataract research through the development of customized NHP models. Our expertise in preclinical research enables us to provide a robust platform for scientific exploration. By employing advanced screening methodologies and rigorous assessment protocols, we ensure that our models are both relevant and reliable. In addition, we offer surgical services to facilitate comprehensive cataract research.

Explore Ace Therapeutics' NHP Models of Cataract

Ace Therapeutics provides a range of NHP models, recapitulate diverse cataract types through various methods, including spontaneous age-related cataract and induced models.

  • Age-Related Cataract Models
    We identify aged monkeys with various cataract types that serve as models for the slow progression of human age-related cataracts. Longitudinal studies, incorporating advanced imaging techniques, track cataract development and provide valuable data for therapeutic interventions.
  • Induced Cataract Models
    We offer customized induction of cataracts using methods such as sodium selenite and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. These models allow researchers to study specific mechanisms of cataract formation under controlled conditions.

Preclinical Surgical Services

We provide surgical services performed on NHPs, including cataract extraction procedures such as phacoemulsification. These services support studies evaluating surgical techniques, devices, and post-surgical outcomes.

Comprehensive Ophthalmic Evaluation

We conduct a full range of ophthalmic examinations, including IOP measurements, anterior segment OCT, slit-lamp biomicroscopy, fundus photography, and electroretinography, to characterize cataract development and assess therapeutic efficacy of potential drugs.

Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive preclinical cataract research solutions using NHP models. From customized model development and specialized surgical services to comprehensive ophthalmic examinations and robust data analysis, we offer cutting-edge resources and expertise. Contact us today to discuss your specific research needs and explore how our services can help you achieve your research goals.


  1. Wu J, et al. Design, methodology, and preliminary results of the non-human primates eye study. BMC Ophthalmol. 2023;23(1):53.
For Research Use Only.

Ace Therapeutics is a research service provider specializing in ophthalmology. We are dedicated to providing exceptional research services that support drug development programs for clients worldwide.

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